

Responses from dinov

New High End Audio Dealer in Midwest
This is good news for out hobby! Good luck with your store.  
I CONFESS: I Need Additional Chemical Input
@denverfred there’s something about this because there is a product I have had for years and still use called ultra bit platinum. It applies a “wet” shine to the cd that seems to improve the sound. I guess it’s all about the shiny bits and the las... 
MM, MC, or MI cartridge
I read this thread for information on MI cartridges, and I’m still kind of unclear about that. I have several mm cartridges I love and a couple of mcs that I love too. I get the differences but can anyone talk more about moving iron, or are they “... 
E-bay and its sellers
Report it to eBay   
How do you organize all this turntable paraphernalia??
Mine are all over the place near the turntables. Best I could come up with😀  
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
Yes! I just said this in another thread. I have recordings that are breathtaking in both analog and digital, and recordings that are stinkers in both. If your system is tuned the way you like, it can sound like heaven or a transistor radio dependi... 
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
If you want to go on the cheap so to speak, look at gaming chairs. I found one from Sams that works great in a small room I have for one of my systems. I love it!  
Analog vs. digital
It feel it depends on the source material. I have vinyl that will make the hair stand up on your neck. I also have digital files that will do the same. I also have both digital and vinyl that sound like crap! When you get your system tuned the way... 
Nordost Cable Listed in Order of Importance
I agree with the least important, speaker cable. I get the best bang from interconnects, them power cords, then digital. I also use nordost for my main connection, the 1 priority interconnects from pre to amp.   
McIntosh MX 130 as a 2 channe preamp tuner
This is truly a sleeper product as a stereo preamp! Although the av capabilities are obsolete, it has numerous inputs, a 7083 fm tuner, smooth quiet controls…a great sounding rock solid two channel preamp! What a bargain!  
My last audio purchase?
That says it all!  
cheapest cable upgrade ever
Sounds like audioquest dbs?  
Best turntable for the buck
Sounds like you’re doing great as it is. Rega definitely has great products. I have a VPI that I’ve also been thru the upgrade /modified process, and I’ve found it to be all that I want. Rock solid too..    
DAC diminishing returns
+1 @hilde45 couldn’t have said it better. Buy what sounds the best (to you) in your system.  
What is your record cleaning regimen?
I use my Audiodesk System Pro ultra sonic record cleaning machine, and it really works great. One cleaning is generally like restoring the vinyl to new. It’s pricey but amazing.