

Responses from digepix

Is there any truth to this question?
Pubul..the best I've ever heard Vandersteen 2 speakers was with a Music Reference RM 10. If I were looking at tubes that little EL 84 amp can do magical things. I guess you're all right, you have to try it..it's one time that following the rules d... 
Dual volume control - it should be standard
My YBA 2 preamp has dual volume controls and everyone who has seen them think they're stupid, maybe not. 
Lifespan of a quality solid state amplifier?
Background noise like a hum is the biggest sign caps might need replacing. If the amp hasn't been used in awhile you should bring the voltage up gradually with a Variac. If you just plug it in after a long time it can cause a failure of the capaci... 
Lifespan of a quality solid state amplifier?
McIntosh for example seem to last forever. Most people feel an amp that are 10 years old are getting ready to retire but ss McIntosh amps from the 1960's like the MC-2100 still show up on this site regularly. That's always been a curiosity to me, ... 
Affordable electronics to suit Thiel 3.5 speakers
In a small room like yours you may be able to get by with 50W on Thiels. Those 50W would have to come from an amp comfortable with the Thiel 4 ohm load like a Krell KSA-50S not your Acurus. Of the amps you mentioned the Audio Research 100.2 is by ... 
how much power
I'm running a dual transformer YBA amp which is 50 watts into my 86db Vandersteens, not a problem. I have a 200 watt Rotel and except for overall bass the YBA wins hands down. It's a small room and I listen to jazz mostly. 
iMac + what DAC to exceed my Rotel CD player?
I have a Scott Nixon tube dac with my Mac Mini and that's at least the equal of my Rotel CD player. I played a Diana Krall Cd and A/B'd them and the Mac/Nixon Dac always sounded great. 
Amps and integrateds w/ similar sonic sig to MC275
The McIntosh MA 2275 might be the obvious answer, no? 
Integrated Amplifiers with neutral sound
I use YBA electronics with Vandersteen 2 speakers. The cooler or dryer sounding YBA amps are balanced by the warmer and wetter sounding Vandersteens and make a nice combination. So a YBA Integre DT may be an option if your not into head banging vo... 
Mccormack DNA-1 deluxe vs PASS X150.5 amps??
Jim..I think your biggest concern should be getting doused with EMF from the transmission tower. If tubes can receive the signal so can your body, just a thought. 
tube integrated for Vandersteen 2's
Sorry, I was away. I'm using a YBA 2 pre/power. I have a SOTA Stsr/ SME V Grado Master. I use a Mac Mini Wavelength Coscecant Dac for digital. The room is much larger 12x 26 but the listening area is only 12 x 8. The speakers are on the long wall ... 
Apple Mac Mini as a music server
I use a Mac Mini with a Scott Nixon tube dac. Nice setup up for under $1000. 
Speakers for Audio Research VT100MK2
Vandersteen is a natural with ARC. A pair of 2Ce Sig. II or 3 sig. would be excellent. 
What about power for Vandersteen 2 speakers?
Actually it's 50 wpc so I'm within the Vandersteen guidelines. I would love to sell my YBA and Krell and buy a YBA 2 HCDT amp. They rate it at 70 wpcbut it's high current and sounds better than my YBA 3 on the Vandersteens. 
New NAD 326 BEE Owner -Disappointed Help
I'm sure it's not a power thing, the 3140 is a 40W per channel amp, the 300 watt spec is max. draw from the ac line. There may have been a problem with the 326 BEE out of the box that went undetected since it sat around untried. The early NAD stuf...