
Responses from dgarretson

Oppo UDP - 205
@gdhal From the Oppo 205 manual: "Due to copyright restrictions, SACD audio cannot be sent through the coaxial or optical digital audio output. To listen to SACDs, please use the HDMI or analog audio connections." "Due to bandwidth limitations, h... 
Oppo UDP - 205
Ozzy,I have a Tascam DA-3000 as well.  How do you record an SACD to an SD card?  The Oppo 205 outputs DSD over HDMI, but the DA-3000 doesn't have an HDMI input. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
ART7 at .12mV. I'm all in with two of them.  
Upgrading path from Merlin VSM black magic
Rich, great that you continue to support the Merlin community. As good as the VSM series was/is, I wish that Bobby had carried the model forward with a serious update with slam for larger rooms. One idea would be to add a couple more 6.5" drivers ... 
Upgrading path from Merlin VSM black magic
@sstalwar & RichI don’t have a schematic for the BBAM. It’s a fairly simple circuit with capacitive filters and one AD744 op amp per signal phase. The Hovland coupling and filtering caps are easily surpassed. Replace them with best caps you ca... 
Upgrading path from Merlin VSM black magic
A further thought about the BBAM.  It allows one 6.5" driver to act as a  time and phase coherent point source across a wide range from 2kHz down to 30Hz.  This(together with the superb silk dome Dynaudio Esotar tweeter) is part of the charm of th... 
Upgrading path from Merlin VSM black magic
The BBAM embellishes with augmentation well up into the mid-range region. You may find that removing it causes more problems than it solves.  
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Curious if Matt or anyone out there has tried or intends to compare any of these high-end servers to the "lightweight" alternative of an SOtM SMS-200 Ultra and tX-USBultra and NAS.  So far I've had good luck with the NAS/microRendu approach, power... 
Audiophile recording and playback - Tascam DA-3000
Just one 75ohm BNC cable from LiveClock Word Out to Tascam Word Sync In.  Set LiveClock to 44.1kHz for DSD and to intermediate frequencies up to 192kHz for PCM.  If you decide to purchase one, Sweetwater has great customer service. They also sell ... 
Audiophile recording and playback - Tascam DA-3000
The Tascam has a Word Clock Sync 75ohm BNC input for connection to an external master clock, and a setting on the screen menu to switch from internal to external master clock. A higher precision master clock will improve both recording and playbac... 
Audiophile recording and playback - Tascam DA-3000
If you want to take the DA-3000 further and can justify $900, synchronize its clock input to an external oven-controlled clock. To record at DSD128 I connect it to an Antelope LiveClock at 44.1kHz. This significantly improves both ADC and DAC sect... 
Vinyl recordings - best methods
BTW, Tascam specs the DA-3000's internal oscillator at 1 ppm precision, as compared to .02ppm for the LiveClock. 
Vinyl recordings - best methods
An Antelope LiveClock is now 44.1kHz external word clock for the Tascam.  LiveClock is synchronized to the SRS 10mHz rubidium clock.  I haven't yet compared the SRS clock to LiveClock's internal oven controlled oscillator. Both ADC ad DAC sections... 
Paradigm Tribute 30th Anniversary Speakers
It's also conceivable that the original distributor or retailer removed the serial numbers to veil resale to an unauthorized retailer or to a buyer located outside its geographic restriction.  
Vinyl recordings - best methods
@bondmanp Thanks for visiting on Sunday for the demo. I’m taking another step with the Tascam DA-3000 by ordering an external Antelope Liveclock. The Liveclock will provide a 44.1 word clock to the Tascam as appropriate for DSD128 recording. The A...