
Responses from devilboy

Omega Super 3 owners - what amp are you using?
Any low-watt SET amp IN A SMALL ROOM will work wonderfully with Omega speakers. I'm using a Dynaco ST-70 with a pair of MaxHemp V2's with great results. Bass is a little shy but my room is quite large. 
DACs --Red Wine Audio Isabellina, Lector Digicode
Metrum Octave. 
Are CD players dead
Funny. I started the same thread a while ago and everybody chastised me. Today, it's ok.....shame on you all. LOL! 
Red Wine Sig30 ?
Toddnkaya: I had 88db speakers once and a very nice solid state amp I drove them with was the McCormack DNA 0.5. They come up for sale frequently here. It won't cost a lot and pretty reliable from what I hear. Are you looking for stereo amp or int... 
Reflections of another year in Audio
Pubul57: You are my inspiration for 2012. 
ear preamp
I've owned two EAR amps, one EAR integrated and one EAR cd player. My friend has owned numerous EAR amps, the 834 preamp, and yes the 868 preamp. EAR is good stuff but WAY overpriced IMHO. They were overpriced ten years ago when I first started bu... 
Red Wine Sig30 ?
Especially if you like to "crank it loud once in a while". 86db Is pretty inefficient and needs power. You would be going backwards IMHO. 
Red Wine Sig30 ?
Just going by numbers, I highly recommend NOT going with the Red Wine amp for a speaker with your specs. 
Reflections of another year in Audio
To say that my year in audio has been a roller coaster is an understatement. Financial situations forced me to sell my reference rig. Then good fortune allowed me to build it up again. Whew! I don't want to buy or sell anymore. Just listen and be ... 
Best Late Night Low Volume Speaker
Yes, Tobias. My new Omega MaxHemp V2's are VERY revealing at low volumes, giving an easy, effortless sound. The amp is very quiet, almost zero noise from the drivers. IMHO the relationship between amp and speaker are key for retrieval of low level... 
Ugh, what to do, what to do... DAC
I agree with Chalres1dad. I'm getting wonderful results using the Metrum Octave DAC. Having owned both the Paradisea 3+ and Havana from MHDT, I believe the Metrum is a better far. 
Yes,another DAC question
Lol. Spend half of that on a computer/dac combo and get better sound than any cdp, and give the rest to feed the homeless. 
Is theRega Saturn a major upgrade over the Apollo
Don't know if this helps but.....back in the day, I owned both the 2000 Planet and then the Saturn. The Planet blew away the more expensive Saturn and I wasn't the only one who thought that. Not just in my system, but someone I spoke with over the... 
Are CD players dead
Pettyofficer: Very interesting and scary theory. As nice as it is, I don't necessarily need hi-rez. In fact, 100% of my music is redbook. One would hope that if cds are abolished, sites would still have uncompressed material for sale. One would ho... 
Are CD players dead
Pettyofficer: This is just my opinion but....don't confuse the "death of cd players" with the "death of cds". Don't assume that the only way people get music into their computers is via downloading. We don't need cd players, we just need the cds t...