
Responses from devilboy

Audio Sensibility Statement Digital Cable
Ozzy: Just ordered a 1 meter pair of Morrow Dig4's with Eichmann silver terminations. Now have to get the USB/SPIDF converter. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Sorry to go slightly off topic here. Don't want to derail the direction this thread is currently going but....I just have to say something. Something that you all already know. After spending a few months listening, nothing, and I mean N-O-T-H-I-N... 
Audio Sensibility Statement Digital Cable
Ozzy: I'm shopping for a digital cable. I've used glass toslink for a while, but will soon add a USB/SPDIF converter to my computer which necessitates an RCA digital cable to my DAC. Browsing the threads, I've narrowed it down to one of the cables... 
Best Integrated, period.
There is no "period". 
Buzz in my Will Vincent amp
Stupid question but, have you tried contacting Will? 
1K dac
Customcoco: Have you had a chance to compare the optical out to DAC vs Audiophilleo usb/spidf converter to dac? 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
George, are you joking? Some actually complain about the cost of the current unit? To those that do, I say go out and build a better one at a lower cost. Until you can, buy George's and feel content knowing you have a world class preamp in your sy... 
Fed up with people making noise at classical shows
Good point Minorl. Now also think about the effect not on the audience, but the musicians. Surely one would think that a musician can play more passionately when he/she doesn't hear distractions from the audience, so the quality of the music being... 
What are the best interconnects.
Clipsal: You've go to be kidding me. The OP asked for "best bang for the buck" cables. PSC hardly seems like bang for the buck. Greywolf00: Check out Crimson solid core cables. Replaced my Kimber Selects and Nordost Tyrs I had. Interconnects are a... 
Best DAC under 2k US ?
Vicdamone: I'm trying to learn more about the Audiophilleo converter. Is it better to use the converter because it lowers jitter? I imagine the optical output of my computer has very high jitter. 
Best DAC under 2k US ?
Vicdamone: I believe you made a wise choice. My Octave took about eight weeks. I hope you get yours soon. 
Best DAC under 2k US ?
I wholeheartedly recommend the Metrum Octave. I've owned the top two dacs from MHDT, Weiss Minerva, and used a Peachtree as a DAC. IMO, the Minerva would "exaggerate" highs and lows. I thought it was great until I started listening to NOS dacs. It... 
Fed up with people making noise at classical shows
Next weekend I will attend a concert by the Philadelphia Orchestra performing Rimsky Korsakov's Scheherazade. I believe there will be less,(if any), distractions due to the material being played and the volumes that will be reached. This is what I... 
Dual volume control - it should be standard
Before owning a Bent Autoformer preamp, I never cared much for adjusting volume independently for each channel. However, I quickly became aware how useful it was to have that capability. It was possible from the remote control as well! Very cool. 
Worlds best DAC
I have the Metrum Octave NOS DAC. Very natural and organic. Every day I'm amazed at the sound I get from this thing. I'm a firm believer in NOS.