
Responses from detlof

Experience in isolation/resonance tweeks & brands?
I agree with Karelfd reasoning and his choices. I use SRA gear extensively and in places less important the Walker points with highly satisfying results. 
Life of the used tubes
Swampwalker is absolutely right. It depends on the circuit the tubes are used in. I recall old Jadis gear in the 70ies, which were absolute tube eaters..... 
Jadis JA 80 or DA88S -'to be or not to be'
Darek,the JA 80 would be an excellent choice. Silver cables with tube gear are definetly NOT always better sounding. I would go with Stealth Indra cabling. Very expensive but also very neutral. You can find them sometimes here at lesser cost. Your... 
Outstanding brands?
Mapman,"Does it have something to do with the fact that they are omni's and the soundstage can go from wall to wall as would be the case listening to a live performance in most venues?" Yes it does to my mind and just that is not natural to me.A p... 
Outstanding brands?
Zanden and Wavac play indeed in the same league, as does some Lamm gear. Not MBL to my ears, I don't like a guitar string plucked coming at me like a Mack truck in size. Ain't natural but it will impress some of course..... 
Electricity and power plugs around the world
Good point Gawdbless! I did just the same as you did with excellent results.Cheers, 
Newbie Q
I suggest you google "Trends" if you don't want to spend much money. For top sound have a look at the Empirical Audio webside.Happy listening, 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Guido, leave the pebbles on the beach--times will change again--as well as ye olde Zeitgeist and Weltanschaung. We have to go through this. I'll be holding thumbs for all of us......Cheers,Detlof 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
"unfortunately our neurophysiology in its richness and complexity transcends the trite definitions of 'analog' and 'digital'."Of course it does Guido.... we were just making fun for heavens's sake ((: 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Yea, but you guys forget, that ye olde braine converts it back to analog as the music hits our emotions or are you guys tickled by electric impulses???? (; 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Great Albert, ROFL! 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
As a second thought, to get both formats right in one and the same system is a hellish task. I've tried it for years. You can get somewhere, yes, and learn a lot along the way, but you will never know what both formats are really capable of unless... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Newbee, Mapman, sorry to -in a sense- to disagree with both of you. If you are crazy enough to try and drive both formats to the limit of what is possibly today, not even in terms of money, but that also, however certainly in terms of tweaking, yo... 
You're probably listening too loud
Al, Allow me to add a little story to your excellent point:A fiend of mine, musician herself and mother of a world famous violinist, when listing to her son through my rig, she said, "Yes, he is here with us right in the room, but not quite though... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Chris, Basically I am complete agreement. Digital however has improved in the last decade and these days you can set up a system, I would say in the way Pscanli has suggested above, which will give you the same micro and macro dynamics as vinyl/an...