
Responses from detlof

Stealth Dream SC
Renaat,I've suffered from audiophilia nervosa for more decades than you've probably walked this earth and if you liked the Petites, you will adore the Dreams. Better dynamic swings, more rendering of subtle details and if your front end is good, y... 
How loud do you like to play your music?
Gawdbless,I could not agree more.For heavens sake, SPL meters are for AR types. It is a nice toy, if one feels so inclined, but hardly for a serious system set up. Used nothing but my ears. Those, though imperfect maybe, are the judges after all. ... 
Interconnect for sweet, silky violin sound
Stealth Indra--but then the soft- as well as the hardware better be good. They are as neutral as they come.Case in point: The CD of Hilary Hahns rendering of the Bach Solo Sonatas and Partitas finally began to sound right to these here ears, after... 
How loud do you like to play your music?
Using my iPhone SPL meter (greetings Albert) I occasionally get 90-98 DB peaks. The rest is in the high seventies to mid eighties. 
Anyone ever seen a Krell KSA 150 with black face?
No, but I've seen a few owners with a long face.(Apologies, but could not resist this ) 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
n-n-no, not really.....(tempting thought though) 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Zaike,Would you suggest I make my basement known, because there is this obsessive thought that my wife is not my REAL wife? 
The Best Phono cable
There is no "best". It is all taste- and system-dependent.If you live in the States, get in touch with the Cable Company. They have a loan system and will let you try out cables at home with your own system.Nsgarch above has given you a good idea ... 
REL Strata III Setup - Help
Fatman is right. As far as phase is concerned, I would settle for the position where the bass is loudest and best defined. If your sub is behind the right or left of a main speaker it is generally zero, but not always. You will have to use your ea... 
Benefits of a record ring
I sold my Clearaudio ring a long time ago for reasons which Nil so aptly has described above, was however curious to try the TTweights ring which is made of copper not stainless steel and chose Larry's heaviest version for on my Goldmund Reference... 
QUAD FM4 - bought in Europe, can I use it un US?
I don't think you can. However you'll have to wait for more expert advice. I'm not into tuners. All I know is, that it will need more modification than just changing transformers. 
Is there such a thing as tube sound in a ss?
Almrec,I would take the two gentlemen posting above seriously. In my opinion they know exactly what they are talking about and have saved me a lot of words to respond (:Happy hunting for the sound you wish for,Detlof 
Any suggestion for dead quiet tube headphone amp
Have you auditioned the STAX offerings?How much do you want to spend? 
Tube sound Comes, mainly, from? Pre or Power?
Blindjim,"A conciliatory mind is better than one system which tries to serve two masters.… and far less expensive to own and operate."Very good thought, I had to learn this the hard way many years ago.I also tend to agree with what you right about... 
Tube sound Comes, mainly, from? Pre or Power?
Tvad, you assume rightly. VTL Siegfrieds if lots of power is needed, and the Atmas MA-2 Mk. III monosif finesse with punch is called for. Speakers are the big Sound Labs.Cheers and happy listening,Detlof