
Responses from detlof

You're probably listening too loud
Thanks Shadorne in making those points. You are so right.Much of the meaning of Shotakovich's string quartets and symphonies as just an example of what you are talking about would be lost, if we just turned down "the unpleasant". Or take Schnittke... 
You're probably listening too loud
Jimjoyce25, again I have to agree with every point you make. You are right of course. There is a difference between a string quartet playing at home or one playing full tilt boogie in the concert hall. I am well accustomed with both and players wi... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
True, as far as I am concerned. 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Tbg, I suppose "soul" is, when there is no trace of listener's fatigue and when the music really gets under your skin AND you forget about your system and nothing but music is left. And yes, finally, says the old vinyl man, digital has come a long... 
You're probably listening too loud
Jimjoyce25 exactly! And it is important to note in this post, that its author speaks of dynamics not SPLs. Systems which are able to mimic the dynamics of a violin in a given room for example, not to speak of a concert grand which is practically i... 
You're probably listening too loud
OK MrT, instead of "realistic", I should have said "real life as in a given concert hall"-levels and for the rest you are stating the obvious. If you find 85db plus unpleasant, well that is your personal thing, you must however allow the thought t... 
You're probably listening too loud
Essentialaudio has just made a good point.I should have said "realistic" not "high" and it it is silly to suppose anyone in his right mind would expose him or herself to constant aural exposure of over 95dbs in his own home. It were peaks I had in... 
You're probably listening too loud
Learsfool,Good for you to chime in. I could not agree more.High SPLs by the way do certainly not make for listener's fatigue, not even for female ears, if you have built up a system which can take it. Anyone who says to the contrary, probably, I w... 
You're probably listening too loud
Wimpifikation..wonderful, a new great word, thanks Trelja.You can buy a little program for your iPhone, a SPL-meter. I tried it out at the last symphony concert I attended. Peaks there were at around 95db (Prokoviev "Classical Symphony"). At home ... 
Review: KAB SL-1200 Fluid Damper Tweak
Glad to see that in the interim you have not been cured of the audiophile bug. Reassuring thought. Greetings and happy listening now and thereafter,Detlof 
Jadis JA30 - Quad ESL63 .. 4,8 or 16ohms?
My pair of ears suggest full agreement concerning ESL63s-MA-1 and M-60 combinations with what Ralph has pointed out here, I am just now setting up a second system with them and the sound is highly promising! 
Jadis JA30 - Quad ESL63 .. 4,8 or 16ohms?
Opera,I used KTs and Teles for the drivers but I don't recall if they were 82s or 83s. Sorry, it is too long ago.Lula, I have not, but I've owned those and knowing both gear I would suppose a match made in heaven! 
reel to reel
I agree with Slipknot1 here and have gone through the same procedure as he has. I also own an Otari and am happy with both machines. 
Jadis JA30 - Quad ESL63 .. 4,8 or 16ohms?
Just to chime in with my two cents, my ears always preferred the 8ohm taps with my Jadis amps driving the ESL63s: Sweet highs, good warmth, not exaggerated and a decent bottom. 4ohms made bad CD's sound even more awful and I did not like the high ... 
Wavac PR T1
Wavac PR T1 , retubed with NOS Mullards from the 60's has kept me happy for over a year now.