
Responses from deep_333

Time of Day for best Sound
There are some power conditioning devices that can make your rig agnostic to 'time of day'.  
Where do I go from here?
Get some Acoustic Fields ACDA panels for your room Try out a BACCH processor  Everything else seems to be in the ballpark. The audio quality I have right now is the best I have ever had in my life, and I am loving it! But I know I can improve ... 
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
@yoder , You nailed some points here...There is a category of guys on this thread, who wouldn’t qualify as proper audiophiles, to begin with, i.e., they are set up in a living room and have to worry/conform to the spouse, spouse’s social club, the... 
Does You Subwoofer Settings ??
If 95% of your playlist sounds good with current settings, don’t shake the cradle. Crossover, phase, PEQ settings and placement should not be changed and remain constant, if your setup is correct. For the remaining 5%, (i.e. there are many maste... 
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
No The bigger Tektons are anything but a flat wall of sound. They can attempt a TAD-like depthwise layering and nuance, but also with the big live dynamics and slam.   IMO, this “new design” is just another attempt at the “ Wall of sound” conc... 
How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?
a) Depends on how eclectic one's musical tastes are... b) Depends on how low or high one's fidelity standards easy or difficult one is to please... a) and b) are not static parameters for a percentage of audiophiles.  
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
Built for incels, because no woman would ever allow something that ugly in their house. It is a well known fact that some women date the ugliest dudes on earth (the infamous O'Hideous category)... Such a darlin might accept Bonnville or Chronos... 
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
EXTRA, EXTRA...READ ALL ABOU IT Jay’s Audio Lab <---> Danny Richie Interview   Wilson VS Magico Speakers, Danner Hammer praises Magico...   Alon Magic Wolf appears to be the real winner in al... 
How Many Times Can You Split A Subwoofer Signal Using A "Y" Connector?
Your prepro should have 2 XLR outs and 2 rca outs for subwoofers, i.e. 4 sub outs already. You can get great results with fewer subs if you place them correctly, understand how to create "virtual subs", etc. Eight subs seems willy-nilly (poor und... 
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
looks like a fostex driver...There's something to be said about these large sub designs that don't dig too low, but offer a different quality of bass.   They remind me a lot of Devon Turnbull: HiFi Listening Room.  30 inch subwoofer.  I haven... 
Stereophile review of the new Wilson Watt/Puppy
Too refined for rock music. If it is too refined for rock music, it needs a flamethrower before it gets tossed in the trash can.  
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
Everything is a Lamborghini these days... until you put a blindfold on a dude, walk him into a room blindfolded, sit him down in front of 2 pairs of speakers and ask "Does A sound better? Or does B sound better?" It’s kind of like saying that a ... 
As good or better than Magnepan 3.7i
@traudio Well, you will give something up if you let go of the magnepans (something your replacement speakers will never do as well). But, you could have it all if you became a non-purist such as I (armed to the teeth with critical execution too... 
Audiophiles and De-cluttering -- your journey toward both psychic and sonic improvement
The only clutter that needs to be kept in check really... is the clutter of the mind.    
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
MBL 101 X-Treme : 1080 lbs Magico m9: 1000 lbs Chronosonic XVX (King O’Hideous): approx 700lbs Von Schweikert ultra 11: 750 lbs Magico M7: approx 530 lbs Klipsch Jubilee: 330 lbs I would wager Bonnville (not specified, what is it @willrich47...