Responses from deep_333
At the top of the line is it really all that different? It is a very useful skill....learning how to fix recordings... You're outta luck if you are spinning vinyl. But, it's doable on the digital end if you learn some software and a few tricks. If some mastering technician got a lil too high before h... | |
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore If the US splits in the near future, it will probably be based on right wing or left wing ideology...not religion, race or ethnicity. The US is not some one of a kind cultural melting pot. Melting pots have existed in different parts of the world... | |
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore No land with very polarized ideologies has stayed as a unified land/entity for too long (in the history of humanity).. Major powers constantly produce disinformation campaigns to weaken each other in that regard (divide & conquer). Relatively... | |
At the top of the line is it really all that different? At the higher end, parameters like resolution, clarity, soundfield nuances, bass impact, extension, etc can start to equalize, which are the same parameters that are immediately noticeable to a listener. Such equalization happens way more quickly ... | |
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore This has to be one of the silliest things that has crept its way into audiophilia. Just this weekend, a buddy of mine was hitting a sax with me backing him on keyboard in my listening room, 90db, 95db, piece of cake... I bet you all won’t last 1... | |
SPEAKERS THAT SOUND ALIVE & DYNAMIC AT LOW LISTENING LEVELS @carlsbad2 I have not heard the horn array model, specifically, but, a guy nearby who bought my DIs some years ago has a newer & ’smaller’ model as well now... with a single 15" and the array, (that’s it, no mid bass drivers). It had all kind... | |
SPEAKERS THAT SOUND ALIVE & DYNAMIC AT LOW LISTENING LEVELS You have a good front end that deserved more than these Klipsches. These Klipsches never sounded good at low volume or high volume..very deficient. If you can afford and have the space for a Klipsch Jubilee model, it got rescued by Celestion as we... | |
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers This masterpiece should be at the top of the playlist for any audiophile going through divorce.. Forget Diana Krall boys... Jimmy Nail is your boy during these trying times...The rest of us can pretend that we are the cheerleading brass for the d... | |
Subs? A sub can be just as important as a tweeter and choice of sub will depend on the type of speaker you have. | |
What's the story with Borresen speakers ? You should probably sell the Focal and Clarysis instead...and set up the Borresens with some bass management + subs. Because I have the KEF reference 3s, the Focal scala EVOS, and the Clarysis Minuet+s on the way. I just enjoy trying new stuff,... | |
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers Yeah whatever, she and her attorney will be looking at this thread on the internet, identify him to be deadhead100, etc like Stephen Hawking started doing ballet one fine morning. I am not sure where you are in the process, but if it is not alre... | |
Forward Sounding Speaker Crossover Components - Suggestions? Get a Yamaha prepro, it will do anything and everything you could imagine, in the digital dsp domain, of course. A Yamaha CX-A5200 is worth its weight in gold, if you can get your hands on one. Other options are Sony's 360 reality, stuff from Ma... | |
Class A bias, speaker sensitivity, watts...? Shengya is the designer/manufacturer, a home grown Chinese brand that’s been around a while and their amps are quite good for the price. I’ve tinkered with their products in the past.They make other amps on contract for brands like Vincent in othe... | |
Merry go round Sounds almost like a self fulfilling prophecy at work...or psychological training at this point, lol You’ve reached Nirvana, where all you have to do is sit back and enjoy your music in glorious sound. If there are sound defects, SO WHAT! The fa... | |
Class A bias, speaker sensitivity, watts...? Yes, you will be operating in class A Both speakers playing, distance is just shy of 2 meters |