Responses from ddrave44
Transparent Audio power cords Could you try Shunyata Alpha or Sigmas? I’m using a mix of Sigma v1 and v2 with great results on CJ, Linn, dcs... great all around. I think The Cable Co is having a sale on these now. I suppose to make way for the more-expensive Alpha and Sigma X’... | |
Refurbished / Re-tipped Cartridges - Are they worth Buying? Agree with those above who have had good experience with Soundsmith rebuilds. Peter rebuilt a Lyra Skala for me a year ago and I’ve been very happy it. It is a beautiful, musical experience listening to records now. Once he gets the cart he does ... | |
Do high dollar mono blocks truly improve the Sound Quality over the mid tier amps On your specific Amp question, if tubes are acceptable I’d strongly recommend a CJ Stereo Art150. I’ve been using one for the past year with my Wilson Sasha DAW’s. Beautiful, full range amp and a great paring. This was a major upgrade from CJ Prem... | |
It Pegged the Needle on My "BS Meter". Now, I'm A Believer. Ever Happen to You? After market power cords. Was convinced that it would be a total waste of time and $$ A buddy lent me some to try out and wow. Numerous upgrades later I'm a believer. | |
Heavy difficult to move speakers- how do you deal? Townshend Audio Seismic Podiums do an amazing job of cutting the transmission of vibration between speakers, floor and your system. Difference in my system compared to casters was startling (200+ lb speakers). Because the isolating springs are in... | |
Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier You have great and revealing equipment so not surprised your hearing the PC differences. I've had great experience with Shunyaya power cords. The Gamma is $498, so at your price. TheCableCo.com does 30 day free trials and they're very helpful. Th... | |
Townshend Seismic Podiums What a great thread. This is everything I love about the audiophile community. I wanted some kind of isolation for my speakers but didn't want to put spikes either on those little disks or through my carpet. I had never heard of Townshend or the... | |
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range? I love accuphase and the E800 looks like a beautiful amp. To get non-fatiguing, clean, full sound I'd focus on Revel and Dynaudio. Plenty of choices in your price range. Sonus faber and Harbeth maybe after that. Some highly recommended in this t... | |
Power cords: does length matter? I always just bought the shortest length shunyata PC that would reach and leave some flexibility to save $$$ and have always been happy. Anyway I bought this Wireworld Cable mini plug for a Devialet Phantom and was surprised to read what they... | |
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops Assuming you've got the weight at 1.8g as Ortofon recommends. Otherwise if the red is fine, then it sounds like an internal problem with the blue. Happens sometimes. | |
Suggested Power Cable for Streamer Music streamers generate a lot of high frequency noise so filtering at the power cord can keep them from sharing that noise with the other components. | |
I took Frank Zappa’s advice I used to listen to his music a lot. Always needed to hear a song a few times to get familiar, but then I’d be hooked. @koestner maybe a sit down to discuss music over pancakes at St Alphonso’s | |
I took Frank Zappa’s advice Those were popular speakers. No wonder in some circles he became an Over-Nite Sensation | |
Time, Wear, and Technological Evolution Great thoughts from Soix and Mofojo. Even moving them 6in further from the wall may solve the 50hz boost. If the cones are showing age or dried out surrounds those can be repaired cheaply anyway. I'd focus on power cords and conditioning first ... | |
What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'? It's a term of art so i treat it that way. To me it describes how I feel when listening to music whether live or recorded. Does it engage me as oppose to overwhelming me with sound or conversely just bore me. Maybe say PRAT+ I get how this is hi... |