
Responses from dbphd

Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?
Tim,The PDSD has analog inputs that take the analog audio from the PAV and pass it through to the amps. Without checking the manual or pulling the PDSD, I don't recall if the cables are balanced or unbalanced. The control cable that connects the t... 
Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?
Tim,A cable that looks rather like a phone line links the two, and they need to be linked to function. If you buy a pair, make sure it comes with that cable. We used our PAV/PDSD for both music and HT audio. I think you would be pleased with the s... 
Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?
Tim,I should have mentioned that the PAV takes balanced or unbalanced analog stereo and passes its output unmolested through the PDSD. The PDSD takes coax or optical digital sources. Output from the PDSD is balanced or unbalanced.db 
Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?
Tim,My PAV/PDSD pair has been trouble free for well over a decade. It does not process lossless codecs, but does 5.1 surround with excellent sound and bass management. If you can take HDMI video to your monitor/TV, I'd use that rather than compone... 
Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?
Tim,We live in Montecito, a small town adjacent to Santa Barbara, CA.When I was planning to replace the PAV/PDSD in my main setup, HDMI was most in my thinking. Now I could do without it entirely. The analog of an Oppo 105 into a vintage device th... 
Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?
Tim,I am using the PAV/PDSD for 2.1, because location in the living room makes 5.1 impractical.To retain Proceed quality sound in a modern fully functional processor, I think you need to step up to a Classe SP-800 or Bryston SP-3. I got a great de... 
Subwoofer Crossover Question
Matt,One line of thinking is that subs can relieve mains and the amps that drive them from extreme LF duty. Subs can also help smooth LF response in room. THX recommends a crossover of 80 Hz, a frequency low enough that its source should not be lo... 
When do you choose vinyl over digital?
Schubert,It's a bit like starting a vintage V-12 Ferrari: Switch on the fuel pump, wait until the clicking stops, power up the engine, enjoy the sound -- and don't forget to go easy into second until the transmission is warm. Neither is practical;... 
When do you choose vinyl over digital?
I've recently gotten hooked on the ritual of vinyl. Playing an LP with my Thorens TD 124 and SME 3009 Series III arm with Ortofon SME 30H cartridge is part of the entertainment. So I have a number of copies of the same recording on vinyl and disc.... 
Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?
Tim,I have a number of Proceed units, including a PAV/PDSD pair that does surround sound but not lossless. I still use that pair with an Amp 2 in a secondary system. One solution might be using the analog output of an Oppo 95 or 105 as input to an... 
2-channel vs 3-channel/5channel
If you get good imaging in stereo, you may not need a center channel for HT. We use the same 6.2 setup for music and HT, although I rarely turn on the amps for the two rear channels, so we really use a 4.2 setup, and it tracks dialog very well. I ... 
Auralex subdude
I've been using SubDudes for years with a pair of Velodyne HGS-15s controlled by an SMS-1 bass manager. In my application, the SubDudes eliminated a boominess and let extended LF be appreciated. That may have been before I installed the SMS-1, I j... 
Parasound JC3 or Ayre P-5xE
Thanks, Nnmusicman. The TT is a Thorens TD 124 with an SME 3009 Series III arm and Ortofon SME 30H cartridge. I haven't been a vinyl guy, but playing several $50 recordings on my cousin's high-end setup convinced me I should consider it. Then I fo... 
How to connect video input from projector
As Doggiehowser writes, many permutations are possible, depending on your needs. If you need switching among video sources or if the AVR might help video processing, then going through the AVR is the choice. If the source or sources have better vi... 
How to connect video input from projector
Take the video output directly to the projector via HDMI if you have it, otherwise component video. Take the audio directly to the receiver, HDMI, digital coax, or analog.I use HDMI to projector for video and 7.1 analog to processor inputs set to ...