
Responses from dbphd

Dedicated Home Theater/Listening Room Suggestions
Dedicated wiring might be theoretically nice, but I doubt it will make an audible difference unless you have an unusual problem. I'd spend my money on acoustics that will make an audible difference.db 
System psychology, or just psyched out?
I doubt that music reproduction is quite as subjective as this thread suggests, and that most of us could broadly rank audio systems in ability to recreate something akin to live performances as we remember them. One can argue that is the ultimate... 
TV connection to Processor.
Audiooracle,Until recently I too let the TV switch among inputs, but then I wanted to move the component rack to be a bit remote from the TV. With the HDMI switcher, only a single cable need run to the TV, thus the value of a switcher.KT,One HDMI ... 
How to audition used speakers???
I bought a pair of bi-wired KEF Reference 104/2s based solely on reputation and reviews. I recognized the shipping address as very high-end Manhatten, but still I suppose it was a gamble. I love the speakers and have never regretted that gamble. I... 
Follow Up On TV Querry For 2007 Purchase......
My understanding is that LCDs use less power and weigh less than equivalent size plasmas, but they tend to be more expensive. The new upper end LCDs, e.g. 1080p Sony XBR, have excellent picture quality and high refresh rates. The new Pioneer Elite... 
Musical Fidelity X-Can v3 on/off
Eldarado,Thanks. I did google Musical Fidelity and looked without success for an internet contact link. Not sure where you found the info you quote, but I'm grateful for it.db 
Mcintosh,Meridian,Anthem,Classe surround sound
Kal Rubinson gives the Cinema 11 a very favorable review in the latest issue of Stereophile, noting especially its capability for music reproduction, whether stereo or surround.db 
Blue Ray player with 1080I TV ?
Caveat emptor re advice: It all depends on viewing distance. The Santa Barbara Sony dealer specializes in the XBR and ES lines; they have LCDs on a wall more or less like pictures at an exhibition, all fed a Blu-ray or HDTV signal. The 1080p displ... 
1080P tv or Projector ???
Snooker,Have you included the price of a screen in your calculations? A 100" Stewart fixed FireHawk is likely to cost at least $1500. With the 1080p Sony Ruby selling for around $3K, why would you consider a 720p projector? I think an LCD or plasm... 
HD receiver w/hdmi for Sony LCD television
My charge was $199 without a monthly lease charge, because the $199 is in effect a prepaid lease. DTV continues to own the HR20-700, and should I terminate service the unit must be returned to them. I saved the box. I already had HD service in ano... 
HD receiver w/hdmi for Sony LCD television
Wepratt,I have both an HR10-250 and an HR20-700. I'm a big fan of TiVo, which the HR10-250 provides, but the HR20-700 has its own set of features that better the HR10-250. There is no question in my mind that TiVo provides better capabilities for ... 
Esoteric Mods
Tbg,The analogies were Carlos, not mine, but I agree they don't seem to apt. Two modders that come to mind, AMG for MB and RUF for Porsche, don't improve the product, they make it different in ways unlikely to appeal to most of the buyers of the o... 
Esoteric Mods
I ask again, why would you imagine a modder would have more expertise than TEAC, except possibly replacing cost sensitive parts with more expensive alternatives? You folks alll seem to believe modders know better. I'm skeptical.db 
kef ref 2 vs 104
By KEF 104 I assume you do not mean the Reference 104/2s. I have a pair of Reference 104/2s and four Reference 102/2s. The Reference 102/2s are very fine speakers, but IMO the Reference 104/2s are better. I run all bi-wired; the 104/2s are crossed... 
Pioneer Plasma for Video + DVD + PC ?
Isn't burn-in from stationary text likely to be a problem if you use plasma for a computer monitor? I don't understand why Cwlondon can't just ignore and by-pass the "cheapo" amps and speakers, or why he believes the build qualty is better in so c...