
Responses from dbphd

Best used floorstanding / full range around $1000
Rakuennow,The newer amps may sound better, but either the Proceed Amp 2 or 3 sound very good to me driving my KEF Reference 104/2s. I use a Proceed PAV/PDSD pre/pro, a 2 chassis AVP if you will, although the AVP was said not to be as good. For HT,... 
KEF 103/4 loudspeakers; any comments
I have a KEF Kube 200 sitting in its original box on a shelf in my closet. I've never tried it, because I use a Velodyne HGS-15 with my 104/2s, crossing over at 80 Hz, although the full range 104/2s without sub provide a very satisfying sound, jus... 
Sony ns9100es mod'ed or Esoteric Sa-60
I've had a chance to compare an Esoteric SA-60 with a fully modded (to tube stage) Sony NS999ES, and preferred the SA-60 for its deeper sound stage and smooth yet detailed treble. Incidentally, I prefer my Sony DVP-9000ES to my 9100ES for audio, t... 
What do you think of Vandersteen 5a's?
Unless you view buying and selling big speakers as a trivial event, you really should listen to the 5A speakers. The Vandersteen speakers I've heard sound to me as though they are behind an acoustic veil. I auditioned an Ayer C-5xe CD/SACD player ... 
Looking for Pre/Pro with great 2 ch sound
I would not buy a pre/pro based on video capability. I use a 3-in 2-out Octava HDMI switcher with my Proceed PAV/PDSD with excellent results. The PAV was said to be SOTA for S video, but who cares about S video now? Before HDMI, I took component v... 
Looking for Pre/Pro with great 2 ch sound
Bmdduck,Proceed has always been associated with Levinson through Madrigal as far as I know.I bought my first Proceed products, a PAV and Amp 2, in the early to mid '90 period, and still have those units, as well as a PAV/PDSD pre/pro pair, a secon... 
what is difference between proceed AMP 2 and BPA 2
Soundsophist,Is your judgement of the sound superiority of the BPA based on A/B comparison with the AMP2 or the output transistor? I have a couple of AMP2s and an AMP3 and have wondered from time to time about buying one of the newer higher power ... 
Decent low-cost used phono amp
Budget not over $500, preferably less.db 
Are these Altec Voice Of The Theatre?
Bill.We had a number of VOTT systems in our lab, and they looked pretty much like the unit on the link by Cleanuphippy, minus the closed-in lower section. They did not look like the box you have, but IIRC, Altec did try to package the components i... 
Using KEF- KUBE with 107/2 Speakers
I suspect the most likely correct answer is go with none. I have a pair of bi-wired 104/2s that seem to have ample low end; I believe the 107/2s have even more. I cross over at 80 Hz to a Velodyne HGS-15 for very low frequencies such as pedal note... 
Video Question: Plazma or LCD???
I think Swampwalker may have gotten the pricing reversed. In my experience plasma tends to be less expensive for a given size than LCD. LCD is less sensitive to reflections and, I believe, more energy efficient; the top end Pioneer plasma has the ... 
New speaker placement
Doesn't having a TV between your speakers reduce imaging?db 
What does Jitter sound like?
Dusty,I suspect jitter as experienced on most decent CD/SACD players sounds just like angels dancing on the head of a pin.db 
What does Jitter sound like?
Shadorne,Many decades ago my doctoral and post doc training was in psychoacoustics, particularly binaural processing. The concept of "critical bands" refers to a limitation of the resolution of the auditory system and the interaction of auditory s... 
Proceed AMP-5 vs Outlaw 7500
Don't know about the Amp 5, but I have used an Amp 2 and Amp 3 for well over a decade without incident. A few years ago, I bought another Amp 2 on Audiogon and it too has served without incident. They sound clean with my vintage KEF 104/2s and 102...