
Responses from dazzdax

Tis a sad, sad day...
Why don't you take Magnepan into consideration?Chris 
Giant subwoofer
This is not a living room or "normal" listening room any longer! This is more like a mastering/monitoring studio!Chris 
Smooth and silky top end
Hi Wwshull, imho (and with all respect) the poweramp has greater signature on the final sound than the preamp. To exert total control on the bass and to deliver dynamics is not an easy task. And besides of being a "brute force" the poweramp should... 
Smooth and silky top end
Audphile, Mahler in the concert hall cannot be duplicated with whatever system you have (no matter how costly). Especially the string tone is very hard to reproduce: in real life it has an airy quality that is never aggressive or scratchy. It's as... 
Mono blocks are better or Stereo power amp?
Vishalonly, stereo power amp can be very good and undistinguishable from mono's. Some people are buying monoamps because they are mono's, but for the same money they actually can have a better stereo amp. This is a bit similar situation as to biwi... 
Smooth and silky top end
To my experience this silky top end is inherent to the amplifier/front end/speakers. You can't have a silky top end by using tweaks or cables if the system doesn't already show this characteristic. Even the most sophisticated power conditioning ca... 
Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners
Hi folks, I want to report you my experience with regard to power conditioning. I've been using very rare Tamura (Tamradio) and Audio Consulting isolation transformers for quite a while. Initially I thought the sound became more "fleshy" and alive... 
Acoustic Dreams - Isolation Rack ?
Those racks should be copied and assembled by a Chinese manufacturer. You will get the same quality + finish for only half of the money (or less) :)Chris 
How much money for your next interconnect cable???
Leica_man: if some manufacturer shows up with a $10,000 (or more) ultra high end SOTA space age etc. superconductor, there would always be someone who buys it (even if it would have a pricetag of $20,000). In short: there is no budget limit with r... 
New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones
Why not the DarTZeel? It seems to be the preferred amp by some respected fellow audiophiles.Chris 
Anyone familiar with the TAOC anti-resonance platforms?Chris 
Luciano Pavarotti dead at 71
Luciano was a singer with beautiful voice. But was he a great singer? I don't know. He was a lousy actor, that is what I know. His tenor was quite light (he probably was a lyric tenor) and was best suited for roles like Rodolfo in Puccini's "La Bo... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
It is still peculiar to me that there is an evident dichotomy among the audiophiles who like and don't like NuForce (and other class D amps with or without built in switch mode power supply). Many proponents say: "Wow, those amps can easily beat o... 
How much money for your next interconnect cable???
To spend US$10,000 for some interconnect cables will not guarantee a better sound than the less $$ (but still expensive) Wireworld Gold Eclipse. I think they cost US$800 in the used market. In the 1960's audiophiles didn't even know that using "au... 
Infinite bafflement?
Gregm, So a sealed cabinet performs in fact as an infinite baffle? But with a sealed cabinet one has to do with resonances and standing waves within the cabinet, which are non existent if there is an "open" baffle design, like the Jamo Reference s...