
Responses from dazzdax

RoHS legislation impact on the high end industry
Mr. Tennis: it's a difficult choice :)Chris 
Anybody hear Murano ICE amps?
Garebear: because it is ICE?Chris 
Replace the Supratek Chardonnay with Accuphase?
Jay, to me the Accuphase sounds though fluid also a bit "slow" with plumpy bass. I have had the A-50V the A-60's predecessor.My ICEpower based monoamps sound more transparent, dynamic and tighter in the bass. I don't say that the Accuphase is a ba... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
I have had a Mark Levinson 333 once that I replaced with an Accuphase A-50V (a well known class A poweramp). The Accuphase was better and more musical than the ML. In 2005 I decided to buy these Acoustic Reality amps with the ICEpower ASP1000 modu... 
A butt-load spent in cables - how much improvemt?
Hi Ted, I'm not saying all cables sound the same. Cables could bring out the full potential of the system (provided there is already a musical sounding system and excellent system synergy), but it is unlikely they will add much more "musicality" t... 
A butt-load spent in cables - how much improvemt?
$20,000 more spent on cables will give you... 4-5% higher performance. If you have the money then you should do this.I think we live in a crazy world: some audiophiles are spending more money on cables than on their equipment. The biggest improvem... 
Food for thought for all us audiophiles
The fact is (and that's a fact of life): there will be people (audiophiles?) who are purchasing audio components whatever the asking price. If I would make a (good sounding, though not better than the $2,000 version)$100,000 preamplifier, I'm conv... 
ERS Cloth uses
Hi, it seems that almost everyone is encouraging the use of these ERS cloths and the like (for example Shakti stones). Imho the use of this kind of ERS absorbers most of the time reduce the "musicality" of a system. With musicality I mean a kind o... 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
Hi Ben, have you ever done any experimentation with thicker cables (less than 10AWG)? If yes, what are your findings? I'm curious if there is some maximum cable (conductor) thickness that could result in sonic improvement. Surpassing this thicknes... 
How many have heard the Beveridge Electrostatics?
Hi, I've heard the old Beveridge SW2 system (with the dedicated OTL amps and subwoofers). The system has a tonal beauty that is unsurpassed. But is this tonal beauty also as in real life? I think not. I'll explain. The Beveridge sound beautiful wi... 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
Can anyone explain Dave's findings regarding the thick speaker cable? Dave, what was the thickest cable (I mean the largest conductor cross section) you have been working with? Chris 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
The question is not whether one can hear differences between cables: this subject has been discussed so many times. The question is: do we need very thick copper cables (that is the conductor, not the insulation) for proper transmission of signal,... 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
I'm sorry, even the Roger-Russel article doesn't provide the answer to the question. Thx anyway for the article.Chris 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
Can anyone tell me what the sonic characteristics are when you are using a very thick copper cable (> 4 AWG) compared with cables with higher gauge number? A certain Swiss amplifier manufacturer claims that the thicker the copper cable the bett... 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
Quote from Shadorne: "...group delay we are talking two or three hundred BILLIONTHS of a second." That is even shorter than the lifespan of a muon*!* elementary particleChris