
Responses from dazzdax

SRA or Symposium?
John, the Critical Mass Grand Masters are ultra expensive stands, even more expensive than the VRA Ohio Class component stands. Chris 
low vs high gain
Thank you all for your responses. I'll ask the manufacturer to reset the gain to 26dB (if that is possible).Chris 
low vs high gain
I've red once that the higher gain setting of the power amp gives the better dynamics. Is this true? In my experience setting the gain too low (< 26dB) will result in loss of dynamics.Chris 
SRA or Symposium?
Are the SRA bases made of corian like material or very dense material like the one Dave Wilson uses (X-material)? Are sandboxes inferior to the sota bases? Could you also explain why? Sand grains allow movement in all direction of the horizontal p... 
switch mode power supply = trash?
Is there someone who is a linear power supply adept, who can explain (in an accessible fashion) why with regard to audio linear power supply is superior to SPMS?Chris 
Do power cords really matter?
I hope you'll agree that in the first place the system should sound in balance and musical. Power cords can give a bit more dynamics, yes. Or a bit more bass slam, or more ambience retrieval. But should not alter the whole presentation of the musi... 
Do power cords really matter?
Yes, I do believe that power cords can give audible differences and also improvements, but I think some people exaggerate the importancy of power cords with regard to audio systems. You must not forget that in the 1960's and early 1970's "audiophi... 
More power or better quality power?
There are two camps: one is proponent of a very simple (Pass, 47-Labs), the other of a very complicated circuitry (for example Mark Levinson). But is the one inferior to the other? I must say though that Mark Levinson amps do sound too "controled"... 
Wadia 581 vs 27ix and 270
It is insane that one is buying a $$ unit and knowing that it should be moded before it comes into full expression.Chris 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
Hi folks, what is the holy grail here: to make a CDP sound like vinyl or to make a CDP sound like live music? To me vinyl doesn't sound the same as live music. Vinyl playback systems and vinyl itself are too inherently coloured. But I might be wro... 
What did Jeff Rowland mean by a "new module?"
I think it is a gain stage module for the preamp. Chris 
wadia 581, accuphase dp75, aero capital mkII, Mbl
Hi, the AMR might be a very impressive piece of gear, but does it also sound musical? A unit that consists of a collection of the best components that can be had is not necessarily a musical sounding unit. More important factors are choice of comp... 
Heard the Abbingdon Music research CD player?
I'm affraid we are not talking on topic here. The question was: did anyone hear the CD-player and what is his/her opinion regarding this unit? As a matter of fact I'm curious too about the sound of the unit. Is it analog-like similar to Audio Note... 
Audio Note Gaku-on
I just want to say that many Japanese super$$$ high end (tube) equipment are overrated, way overrated. We are not talking about normal livelike sound any longer, but a sort of highly refined but "sculpted" and transformed live sound, which doesn't... 
A tweak that will tame the digital-ness
I would like to know if an important part of the so called "digital sound" is in fact due to different amplitude/frequency characteristics of the reproduced sound. If one is able to make (through the use of equilizers) the amplitude/frequency grap...