

Responses from davide256

Metrum Octave and 192khz?
Timlub, what the garbling means is that at 192khz the DAC has synched at the wrong speed so that the music behaves like the text belowB_ts_and _iec_s of t_he d_igi_tal _rea_m ar_ lo_tso that no fidelity exists.So so far it sounds like 192khz is a ... 
Can a Prima Luna Prologue 5 drive early Maggies?
I have MG 1.7's with the prologue premium and have used both EL34's and KT-88's, no issues with playing loudly. In that 42 watt situation I am much happier than I was with the Musical concepts modified Hafler DH-200 which stock had 100 watts. It i... 
Prima Luna Dialogue series, is it worth the money?
I have the Prima Luna Prologue premium... reviews on it are pretty accurate... plays best at moderate to loud volumes and a little bass shy at the bottom if you use the integrated pre section. These go away if you use a better pre with the home th... 
Experiences with Blu-ray players
kr4, the copyright vultures have hobbled the SACD industry so that only HDMI is passed as native resolution. All else (coax, optical) is down sampled to prevent high res ripping. Which makes SACD uninteresting compared to high res downloads where ... 
PrimaLuna Prologue 5 and tube upgrades
"left craving the pings of cymbals and the air of vocals on playback"what you are describing is sluggish, compressed high frequency transients...try some NOS Ei or NOS Telefunken 12AX7s. I have a pair of worn out JAN Phillips 12AX7WA's that sound ... 
Is NAD C372 Integrated good match w/ Maggie1.7's?
Maggies are revealing and will show off the defects of electronics. Stability and "guts" across the audio spectrum for driving the MG loudspeaker load is critical.In this respect the NAD is basically a welter weight champ and you should use a heav... 
Turntable rumbling
hmm above it says you set the TT at 1g m, yet the spec I searched out says the nominal tracking force is 1.8 gm. http://www.toffsandtinks.com/shop/a-r-arcam-p77-stereo-pickup-cartridge/info_32.html 
Turntable rumbling
sounds like a mechanical issue. Start here1) have you physically changed your setup recently... moved speakers or the TT? If so put them back where they were to see if you were causing yourself feedback or found an unstable TT location.2) recheck ... 
best DAC' choice between $1K-$2K?
Appreciate the suggestion of the Burson Conductor, will followup on that. I see also that Benchmark has decided to knock the dust off its line with the Benchmark Media DAC2 HGC, so will be looking at both of these vs the Metrum. The DSD functional... 
HELP needed for
I've built my own PC's since 1992 and been fussing with building/optimizing a PC music server for the past year. So heres my suggestion1.buy a newer Mac mini with SSD drive for the system OS and a regular hard drive for your media file directories... 
Please critique my Delphi set up, bass not right
I'm checking to see if you have made any of the classic turntable setup errors.low bass feedback is the biggest enemy to TT bass responseafter improper setup. You should get decent bass with quality TT you have.1) is your TT on a rigid but lightwe... 
Primaluna Prologue Premium Intgtd Amp - Matching
the PL tends to be slightly forward in the highs but because its tubes that adds no irritants, just a different tonal balance. It is extremely revealing, so you may be taking a layer off your source and seeing a problem that was covered up before.... 
Which tubes to spend the most money on in a PV-5?
I have a CJ PV10A which dates from 1992 vs 1984 for yours. Be wary of film capacitor aging. If your caps are solens/Axxon they are probably still ok. If you have other manufacturers, those caps may have degraded, collapsing your dynamics and trans... 
Primaluna Prologue Premium Intgtd Amp - Matching
I have used the Prologue Premium Integrated with Magnepan 1.7's since March...I believe they are 86db efficency and run about 6 ohms. I detect no real power lack comparing to how I used the modified Hafler DH -200 I had before. What I have discove... 
TT upgrade advice?
Geoff85, vinyl is a recorded vibration and it takes good design and physics in a turtable to extract the dynamic range and bass out of a groove. Micro level chassis vibrations distort the vibration actually produced at the stylus, causing you a bo...