

Responses from davide256

LInn Genki and Sonos - Adding a DAC
I have the Genki... it was literally gathering dust while I used the PS Audio Dlink III DAC as the 2 were not very synergistic, emphasized each others faults and the DAC that was part of the Genki was even more dated. Now that I have the Metrum Oc... 
Conrad Johnson PV-10A mod experiences?
I actually talked to a very helpful gentlemen at a shop in Springfield that does repairs on audiophile gear. He advised strongly against replacing any resistors in the phono section as they were all there for precisely calibrated RIAA equalization... 
Metrum Octave and 192khz?
I took an inventory several weeks ago... out of ~500 albums on my PC I had exactly 3 that were 192khz. So after much soul searching I decided to take the plunge and buy the Metrum. And go figure, Eagles/Hotel California at 192khz worked immediatel... 
PrimaLuna Prologue 5 and tube upgrades
most of the new manufactured pre tubes are awful for good tube equipment... I've yet to find any I like after prolonged listening although the Prima Luna tubes are a safe bet for a tube thats musical but not detailed. And the NOS tubes definitely ... 
Optimizing the Prima Luna Premium Integrated amp
so after 10 days of loving the KT-120's my pre and driver complement of tubes has been turned totally upside down. The Amperex 12AT7's are out because of audible gain distortion, all NOS Mullard CV4004's now. I've rolled the KT-88's back in a coup... 
Conrad Johnson PV-10A mod experiences?
sorry, busy with other things. So since last time1) in the phono bypass caps the 0.15uf obbligatos were nice, open sounding... however the cap casing is a hum magnet and microphonic. So yanked them out and threw in some Mundorf Supremes temporaril... 
Grace F-9 broken stylus
Agree. While I like the Grado MM family better, the Grace F9E was musical, robust, and well made. Try to get a nude mounted stylus retip...a solder mounted retip won't sound as good 
What made the biggest, most noticeable improvement
and looking at your original question, for PC digital audio in order of importance1) a separate quality DAC (no guts, no glory)($600~$1000)2) the John Kenny MKIII smoked the VLink I had for async USB conversion... they aren't even in the same clas... 
What made the biggest, most noticeable improvement
Blimo, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Those with simple tastes can be ecstatic with a boom box. Assuming you are on the other end (never satisfied 100%), I'd offer you two paradigms that may help you weigh your investments in audio(1) you c... 
Anything better than 1.7 Maggies
I was on the fence 2 years ago about buying 1.6's... have always loved Maggies but playing tuba as a hobby I just wasn't satisfied with the bass. I put my order in for the 1.7's the night I auditioned them because the bass was right... fast. If an... 
What to expect from a new DAC?
source is important. And disc transports are very expensive to get right vs the lesser investment required for similar performance from computer audio digital to a DAC. Think of disc transport as trying to hit a moving target vs computer audio as ... 
Optimizing the Prima Luna Premium Integrated amp
Prima Luna USA posted recently that they now support KT-120 in all their line. I got mine yesterday, the first 2 hours of break in were rocky with distortion and threw 1 bad tube fault but after that they opened up and roared. They (a) remedy the ... 
Prima Luna Dialogue series, is it worth the money?
prima luna has announced that they support KT-120 in all their KT-88 compatible amps now. Got mine yesterday and after a few hours of rocky break in they proved wonderful for bass slam and dynamic openness. Don't think I'm putting the KT-88's back... 
Metrum Octave and 192khz?
Timlub, I agree that KS is best, haven't used anything other than KS whenever possible for several years. Add to that Fidelizer in extremist mode and Jplay in xstream mode combined for best possible digital outcome on PC 
Can a Prima Luna Prologue 5 drive early Maggies?
the K2-120's arrived and are in play. The first 2 hours was troublesome, tube distortion and a bad tube fault. After that they started breaking in,opened up wide and roared. Bass slam and a palpable feeling of greater dynamic openness make these a...