
Responses from david12

zyx Airy R-1000 cosmos - vs Benz LP S ?
I used a Zyx Airy 3 for 2 years and was ultimately disappointed with it. I found it very neutral, but flat and lifeless, really lacking dynamics. I changed to a Benz LP, not the LP S and really love it. The same neutrality and transparency, but mu... 
Speaker cabinet made of real wood
The Positive Feedback review of the Ulysses, I think it was, said the reviewer was suprised how well such a large speaker operated in a small room. To me the problem is more, how such a large speaker as the Ulysses, would dominate a small room, ph... 
Boulder 865, Vitus SS-010 or Karan KA I 180& 8207;?
I can'nt comment on the others, but I tried the Karan K180 for over a year and could'nt get on with it. I found it quite dry, lacking tonality and a bit lacking in dynamics. It may just have been my system. The Integrated I have just bought after ... 
Best U.S.A. speakers?
No mention of Daedalus, I can see. My Da-R Ma monitors are wonderfully musical, great sounstage imaging and look a million dollars 
Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help
I was informed by Koetsu UK that everything but the body was discarded. That does'nt mean they are correct of course. I think you are dealing with 2 groups of people here. Those who make the initial investment to buy a new unit and those, like me,... 
Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help
Birdogthecat: I am sure you are right about Koetsu disavowing work by another supplier. You can also claim a retipped Koetsu by someone else, is no longer a Koetsu. Nevertheless, other providers like Expert Stylus, provide an excellent service and... 
Do Acoustic Zen Adagios still live up to the Hype
I think so too. I have replaced mine now, with a clearly better, but more expensive speaker, but I was very happy with the Adagios for 3 years. The new price was good, second hand, I think they are atonishingly good value. 
Your favorites amplifiers for their visual look ?
The Italians do seem to do elegant, simple design, like knowone else. New Audio Frontiers, Pathos, including the inpol on it's way to me now. Not to much US exposure, but the Korean Emille amps, are just gorgeous to. I am listening to their K40 in... 
Anyone heard the Nordost Odin cables ?
Considering cost of cables, I well remember reading about a set of cables costing £1000, in a UK mag 10 years ago. I thought, what sort of idiot spends £1000 on a piece of wire. Well a few years later, I was looking at the idiot in the bathroom mi... 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
The magic of tubes without the tears, well I may have one answer. Another hybrid integrated, the Pathos Inpol. You really do get that warmth, without any loss of detail, speed and dynamics, that I associate with tubes and only have to worry about ... 
K&K phono break-in period
I agree about 100 hours, as far as I can remember. Mine is not the maxxed out version. Still one of the best stages I have listened to and a steal at the price. No trouble over secveral years of regular use. The only phono stage I have auditioned,... 
questions for TW Acustic Raven One owner
I agree with the rich, musical solid sound, good base. It is certainly the best deck I have had in my system, by a good way and is here for good. I use an Ortofon 309D arm and either Koetsu onyx or Benz micro LP, both wonderful cartridges. I am in... 
dual volume controls?
Trelga, Excuse my ignorance, but why does dual volume controls have nothing to do with dual mono design? Presumably you could have a dual Mono amp, with a single volume control at the end of the signal path, but I am not sure how you could have du... 
longevity of good speakers
I can beat 30 years. My mother still uses my first set of speakers, I bought second hand in about 1970. They are Leak mini sandwiches and still sound pretty good, a bit soft of course. She is nearly deaf anyway, so that's alright. 
pass lab owners: can i afford one?
How do you notice any difference in the cost, with electricity bills rising so fast anyway? At least in the UK, utility bills seem to rise every month. Many amps draw a lot of juice, particularly tube amps. My Tube SET draws 250 watts at rest. I t...