
Responses from david12

Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help
Another vote for the Expert Stylus company. They have been in the business for over 20 years. They are very easy to deal with, charge £25 to assess the cartridge to see if it is worth working on. That is included in the price if they do a rebuild.... 
Power Convertion...need Help Please
I have changed the voltage on a number of pieces of US kit. A competent engineer should be able to do it in less than an hour. Usually it envolves only changing the taps on the transformer to change the voltage and then checking the result careful... 
Koetsu Urushi: Blue Sky, Vermillion, Tsugaru
FJn04 I use an onyx at the moment and just love the Koetsu sound. I also have a Benz Micro LP, which is different but on the same warm side of neutral as the Koetsu's. The Zxy Airy 3 I had before was cold and dry in comparison, IMHO. I know others... 
Recommended Speaker for Triode Amp
A number of good suggestions there. I have uised a 20 watt SET integrated for years and have found speakers of 89db sensitivity and up will do fine with my amp, as long as the impedence is benign. That is flat and 6ohms and above. some other speak... 
Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?
I would say hyeracusis is unusual, but I have seen it. If you think of the physiology of hair cell damage, that could cause an impression of increased as well as reduced hearing 
"Crack" sound in left speaker tube amp
I had a similar problem with my tube amp a few years ago, a really loud crack in 1 speaker a minute after starting up. It turned out to be a damaged cap, which was still working, but the top literally snapping off on startup 
Dodgealum For the moment I am sticking with my Viva Solista SET. It sounds great, though the base I feel would appreciate a bit better control. I went to audition an LSA Statement amp today, which was on sale 2nd hand. I have to say I was very dis... 
Well, the Da-RMa's with, upgraded PolyCaps have arrived. Unless you look at the website often, you may not realise that Lou has been experimenting with an improved Crossover for some time. I think mine are the first monitors and he maybe working o... 
Nordost Quantum Technology Products
Having heard the Quantum at RMAF and the Roy Gregory Demo at heathrow last year, I was mightily impressed. The latter demo was clear they are not an alternative to a good condition, I use a Pure Power APS. At the Gregory Demo, it was the Quantum s... 
Koetsu compliance compatibility issues
I am using an Onyx with an Ortofon 309D. The charts say there is a compliance mismatch. It still sounds pretty marvelous to me. I am not sure cartridge/ arm compliance guidelines are anything more than guidance. 
Benz Micro needle life?
As Elizabeth says, best case is to wash all your LPs, but life is too short. I read a thread on the gon a few years back, when the responder said he washed every record, every time he played. Seriously impressive if true, or a textbook definition ... 
Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?
What I was trying to say to sufferers is that symetrical tinnitus is unlikely to represent serious pathology and therefore not to be concerned regarding their health, not that they shouuld'nt worry about the tinnitus. You are right that audiograms... 
Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?
Ack there you go, simple country Doctors do'nt know all the latest research. The Cochlear hair growth project sounds interesting, though as you know it is probably a long way from day to day clinical application. john I try to advise tinnitus suf... 
Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?
Elizabeth, I am one of the morons they call a Doctor and I have tinnitus and love my music. Essentially. as you say, it is untreatable as things stand. That, by the way is not Doctor's fault. It is if they charge you large amounts of money with no... 
Is Hi-fi getting more expensive?
The evidence suggests HiFi is getting more expensive, $50000 to 70000 speakers seem to be the norm now, not a rarity. This is a dangerous generalisation, but going from room to room at RMAF this year, it seemed clear to me, how many of the high en...