

Responses from daveyf

Audio Research Ref 10 vs 40th Anniversary preamp
I think one had better be sure to replace tubes in the tube regulated power supply in the Ann 40  on a very regular basis...or be prepared for repairs that can get costly! Personally, I would take a pass on a design that utilizes tube regulation. 
Chasing down the problem
@jetter   Thanks. I will swap tubes in the preamp...left to right. But I can not see how this could be the issue as the preamp utilizes separate/different tubes for the phono stage and the line stage ( left and right channels)...and in my case, bo... 
Chasing down the problem
@jetter looks like you you’re right in regards to the preamp... although I am so surprised that all was fine when I hooked up the ss amp and played it for a few hours previously. Any idea how a preamp tube can cause one to lose sound in one channel? 
Chasing down the problem
Here's why tubes can be a major PITA! Tonight, I figured one of my tube mono blocks was down...so I swapped in my ss Rowland stereo amp ( in place of the tube mono blocks) for a night of music and lo and behold...the same darn issue persists!! No ... 
Repair for n Art Audio Jota in Los Angeles?
Sorry to hear of your issue. I am going through something similar with one of my tube mono blocks right now. I don’t live in LA, but I believe that George Meyer in the LA area, or Brooks Berdan, as suggested above are well respected repair shops. ... 
Black Cat Cable's/Coppertone wires are amazing good!
@chipdelacalzada I am not sure if Chris thinks his cables need break in...and if so how much. IME, the cables sound great out of the box and don’t seem to improve much as time goes by. 
Esoteric A100 Service Nightmare
There are a ton of horror stories on the web about high end gear and the service that is given once the sale is made. Even if some of them are true, it does not bode well for folks looking to buy a lot of this stuff. OTOH, I am certain that a lot ... 
What's Worth More on the Open Market - Your Records or Your Audio Gear
I paired my collection down from about 15k records to just under 2K. The ones that are left are the usual collector pieces. I think now quality vs quantity. I know of a local collector who has just over 100K records, unfortunately he probably has ... 
Chasing down the problem
So tonight I swapped out the 12ax7 driver tube...and after a few minutes of idle power...a loud and nasty hum and buzz through my right speaker! ( the same channel that was acting up before!) I quickly powered down...and decided to change out all ... 
Chasing down the problem
@gdnrbob  I could do that, but i am hesitant to do so as the amps are "theoretically' under warranty. I say "theoretically" as you never know with this stuff until you request service! 
Chasing down the problem
@jetter  Thanks for the suggestions. I did play the preamp with the ss amp for a few hours.Nothing showed up, so I am assuming that the preamp is ok. As a last resort, I will hook up the ss amp again and give it a very long test to see if the prob... 
Chasing down the problem
@paulcreed Thanks. Yes, I tried that and the problem still persists.I swapped one of the driver tubes to the other mono block and vice versa...still problem persists. Tomorrow, after the amp has cooled down again, I will swap the other driver tube... 
Chasing down the problem
Well, the problem is back...and this with different ic's. So, I am guessing that at this point that the ic is not the issue. Next step is to swap the left side driver tube on the left side mono block to the right side mono block and vice versa to ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
For Duke Bill Berry and Flamenco Fever, both on the M&K label and both Direct to Disc demonstration discs IMO. 
Favorite band or artist of all time?
For those folk who think Jimi Hendrix wasn't a good lyricist or a great guitar player or?..and his Strat didn't sound good! All I can say was he was a genius in all areas of music...period. IMHO...and apparently in most others as well!