

Responses from daveyf

Wilson Alexx V
@kps25sc Hello, little troll---from WBF- who stated this, "I consider David Karmeli the maker of the AS 2000 TT a good friend." Are you one of his disciples, LOL... 
Wilson Alexx V
@dkarmeli Nice for you to join us here---I wasn’t going to point out who the all seeing, all knowing guru is--but since you have graced us with your presence...Do tell us how your ching cheng power cord garbage is working out for you--Trust me, I ... 
Wilson Alexx V
@charles1dad  I find this forum to be much more accommodating and less agenda driven...enough said. So, lets get back to the OP, and discuss the upcoming Alexx V--which if my experience with the current Alexx is anything to go by, should be an out... 
Wilson Alexx V
@roxy54  I meant their...meaning their ( a pronoun for possession) and not they are or they're, but who's talking grammar!!!  \.. 
Wilson Alexx V
@charles1dad There are indeed hundreds of threads on the WBF, i used to commit threads with regularity. The place changed a few years ago, at that time one of the founders was pushed out and another member replaced him. Seems like after that every... 
What frustrates you the most about seller’s for sale ads?
My favorite is when tube sellers offer NOS tubes that are supposedly new in a box and never mounted-- showing tube pins that are corroded and bent.  Nevermind the labeling having rubbed off...decades ago! 
Wilson Alexx V
@charles1dad  Recommending WBF forum is a tad laughable these days. There are only horn lovers over there who are convinced that their all seeing all knowing guru can lead them to the promised land! He is doing this by knocking anyone with cabling... 
@millercarbon  Nope, the gear makes all the difference! If you think one can judge records by listening to a Crosley all in one, then yes, you would be right! After all, the Crosley is a turntable and has speakers...;0)You can use your ears and ap... 
A question of loading...
Last night i decided to do a little more experimenting with loading. I had felt that the change from the 750ohm load to wide open ( presumably 47Kohms) was beneficial. The sound was like I described in my OP. However, over more time, I was hearing... 
Better Records are reviewing records and picking the best sounding...but here’s a couple of ??’s...The records that they pick are best sounding to them based on their criteria, does that mean it will be the best based on the consumer’s criteria? D... 
sonus faber electa amator iii or magico A1 or any other suggestion
@henry201  Just keep on believing it's not there...better for you.... 
sonus faber electa amator iii or magico A1 or any other suggestion
@henry201 Like I stated before, if you cannot hear the high frequency issues with a beryllium dome, you are one of the lucky ones. There are a lot of folk who cannot, which is why they are still being utilized in a lot of designs. However, the res... 
sonus faber electa amator iii or magico A1 or any other suggestion
@henry201  Sorry that you were offended by my opinion of the Beryllium tweeter.  At least you did finally disclose that you own the Magico A5...and so your posts now are more understandable. Oh, and you speak of being juvenile....LOL. 
Favorite Platform for Linn LP12
@no_regrets   Don, try sourcing a bamboo shelf. This is the newest shelf material for audio that is being used extensively now...and IME using it under a few pieces of gear, it works extremely well! Someone once said that bamboo is nature's carbon... 
Favorite Platform for Linn LP12
Don, if you have suspended floors, which do usually cause some issues with most turntables, I would suggest that for your Linn, not only do you look into the Tramp 2, but also a very light stand to sit the table on. Lightweight stands are usually ...