

Responses from daveyf

Has anyone heard the Magico Mini?
Alexc, I would concur with everything you say, but, in a small/smaller room, I think the G's are a little more involving than the Kharma's. In a larger room, I am sure the G's cannot move enough air to present orchestral music or big band as well.... 
Has anyone heard the Magico Mini?
Pgulrich,That was the impression that I had also when I compared the Guarneri's to the Mini's.The Mini's are good but IMHO the G's are better.As far as cosmetics go, I guess that is a personal choice, but for me also the G's are in a different lea... 
Best SS amps with sound similar to tube amps
Try listening to a Rowland model 8 with the choke supply if you can. IMHO it is the closest to tubes without the worry of where in the life of the tube you are and no concern with heat warming up your room in the summer.( Or winter here in S.Calif... 
Gruv Glide. How many use it?
Used the version 11 for years. I feel it reduces any residual noise and minimizes static build-up. I actually use it after a machine cleaning and still feel it is beneficial. 
Top Ten Speakers of All Time?
After owning my Sonus Faber Guarneri's for a couple of months, I feel they are definitely some of the best speakers I have ever heard, maybe the very best. In my top ten, they are either the top or second.. The original B&W Nautilus might be b... 
Bass and Guarneri Homage
Jeff, I am certain in a very small room you don't want a sub with the G's. The G's are so transparent thaI feel you would have a very hard time matching up a good sub to them without loosing some of the purity and transparency of the G's.Again I g... 
Bass and Guarneri Homage
Jeff, I personally run my G's with the Rowland model 8 which is ss. In my very small room, the G's have enough bass. Would like to try tubes as I am fairly sure that the G's are tube friendly. One amp that I thought would work really well would be... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage vs Extrema
Twilo, the G's do not use a Skanning mid/woofer. They actually use a custom made driver from Audiotechnolgie.This driver which is from Denmark is specially made for SF and is several times the cost of the Skanning drivers.What did you hear driving... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage vs Extrema
Look at my system and you will see I replaced the highly thought after Hales System 2 Signature's ( which I owned for nearly 17 years and are a great speaker) with the G's.IMHO, they are the best small speaker in the world and I have heard the Mag... 
Rowland classic comparision: Model 8 vs. 12's
As an owner of an original Model 8 with choke power supply, I found it far superior to the model 201 I heard, at least IMHO. Have not heard the 501 so cannot say, but the 201 was not in the same league as my 8. The 201 was far less resolving and s... 
What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?
Went from Acoustat 3's to Hales System 2 Signatures to Sonus Faber Guarneri Hommage's. Never looked back, the 'stat's' needed a large room and were completely lacking in dynamics compared to the others. 
What is your most beautiful component?
Real toss up between my SF Guarneri's or my Rowland model 8.FWIW, wife prefers the SF's. 
What's your speaker IQ, and the best speaker?
I just picked up a pair of Guarneri Hommage's, which IMHO are the best speaker I have ever heard for what they do. No real bottom end but everything else is magical, especially in my small room.Prior to buying these, I listened to B& W 802D's,... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
IMHO, the Sonus Faber Guarneri Hommage in my system with the Rowland 8( choke power supply) and the CAT signature is the best sound I have heard from a speaker. While some larger models like the Maxx 2 and Vandy 5A will go lower in the bass, their... 
Do you know of small speakers that sound ''BIG'' ?
Sonus Faber Guarneri Hommage.. I just put a pair in my system and they are magic!Little lacking on bottom end, but what you do get is accurate and defined.By far the best speaker I have heard in my system..replaced Hales Signature 2's ( which were...