

Responses from daveyf

New Air Tight PC-7 Cartridge...a contender??
No one else have any experience with the Air Tight PC7? I have still not heard one, but I do have an interest in this cartridge. 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
Thanks, Charles. The SF GH are not that easy of a load. IME, they will not work with very low powered/flea powered amps. However, with the Jadis JA 30 Mk2, as you pointed out, the transformers/power supply are exceptional and since I am using a sm... 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
Well a big shout out to gwalt...because thanks to him, I am now the happy owner of the magnificent Jadis JA30mk2’s!!These amps are an absolutely incredible sounding piece of gear... Far more resolving, far more palpable and simply way better at al... 
Linn Sondek question
@varyat, I do like Fagan/Dan, but not enough to swing for this particular release...plus, they are making 5000 copies. I do own a couple of the Evans disc...and missed out on the Abraxas..:0(@nkonor, I own the MFSL BOTW, didn’t know they were rele... 
Linn Sondek question
nkonor, please elaborate a little more on your findings of the latest MoFi One Step Donald Fagen LP. Since it is originally a digital recording, i wonder how it compares to the two other MoFi One Step releases in regards to the SQ. 
Linn Sondek question
ThomasOk, thank you for chiming in. It is interesting how on so many of these threads, that people post their experience of the table, and yet they have either a) not heard it in decades or b) never owned the LP12, or c) maybe compared a poorly se... 
Linn Sondek question
Yes, major step up....I can tell you this, neither bearing ever leaked!! The new Cirkus bearing has far better tolerances and therefore sounds better! Neither of which you would have a clue about. Once again, i'm done with you. 
Linn Sondek question
davidclarke, I happen to think that 40 years of continued refinement, adds up to one heck of a lot of refinement! Not sure I completely agree with you that there are small incremental improvements as you upgrade... IME, there are some pretty BIG i... 
How to choose a cartridge you can't hear on your system?
syntax, perhaps look at what you just wrote.....is it possible that this very opinion might....just might, apply to YOU!! ...:0)  
New Air Tight PC-7 Cartridge...a contender??
According to the review by Julie Mullins in the Absolute Sound, the new PC7 is a superb cartridge. Only problem is...and I say this with some hesitation, her system is ( shall we say) far from the most revealing out there!So while she may be right... 
How to choose a cartridge you can't hear on your system?
+1000 on Clearthinks post. Chakster, if you enjoy an old cartridge that is more than likely destroying your vinyl, so be it. Cartridges are a wear item, plain and simple. Like Clearthinks stated, just one play can easily damage the groove if the c... 
How to choose a cartridge you can't hear on your system?
inna, i'm not sure as to who you are responding to. However, your thought that by waiting a dealer is going to be essentially begging you to buy, just doesn't seem to jive with reality. IME, the dealers are all pretty independent when it comes to ... 
Linn Sondek question
Nandric, an LP12 from yesteryear is still a fine table. However, it is not in the same league as a current LP12, in either the Akurate version or the Klimax version. You would know this if you had a chance to hear the current models.Instead, you p... 
How to choose a cartridge you can't hear on your system?
Ps68, that’s pretty funny...just buy it..so I don’t.lol.I wasn’t actually “expecting” any specific winner to my poll, but the results were probably predictable, I guess??It is a shame that this is the one piece of gear that people seem to buy with... 
Linn Sondek question
Missioncoonery, says he who has never owned an LP12...or most likely ever heard one either.Varyat, so much misinformation now on the forums about the table, it’s just pathetic! As we both know, a leaking bearing is not possible.