

Responses from czbbcl

I recently had a disappointing experience with Cary. Yes they took care of it but I felt the charges were excessive. The return shipping and the Bench Fees especially since it was only 94 days between repairs. 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
I am curious to see the responses as I am thinking of buying an INT-30A which will replace a Cary SLI-80 and drive a pair of Focal 1007Be monitors. My Focals are 4 Ohm and are 89 SPL and the Cary did a great job even in Triode which is where I kep... 
Thanks again to Cary Audio
I meant I am not impressed with Cary's service as I have had a disappointing experience. I am glad yours went well and yes they do make great sounding products. Sorry for the misunderstanding. 
Thanks again to Cary Audio
I am not impressed as I have experienced better... 
Denon SUT or Micro Seiki head-amp?
You might look into a bob's devices SUT. He makes very good performing units for the money. I used one on his SUT's for a 103R and it did a great job.http://www.bobsdevices.com/Chuck 
Focal Utopia Micro BE setup help
Is this a recent issue? Did you change something in the system?Chuck 
Small but high quality integrated
Pass Labs ......... 
Focal Utopia Micro BE setup help
Are you toeing them in towards you the listener or are they firing straight out. My 1007Be's improved immensely when I toed then in towards me. Basically making me the focal point or the intersecting point. I am using the same amplifier and the re... 
Primaluna Prologue Premium Intgtd Amp - Matching
Not your exact speaker or amp question but I drive a pair of 1007Be's with a Cary SLI-80 in Triode (40 wpc) with no issues and have plenty of volume .......... 
C-J 2300A bias specification
I would ask Bill Thalmann of Music Technologies he was a designer at cj for some time. Actually I would use him to re-cap for the reason mentioned above. Below is their web-site address.http://www.musictechnology.com/Chuck 
Opposite of Thiel
I went from a pair of Thiel 3.6's to Focal 1007Be's and have not looked back ........ 
Need help with Apple Airport Express
You need to set it up to join your existing network and then enter the name and security code for your network. This should do the trick. 
Tube rolling?
I use them in my Cary SLI-80F1 and I am very pleased with them. The SLI-80 came stock with EH KT-88's and I have found the GL to be a much better tube in all respects. I have recently changed to the GL KT-77's and like those very much as well. Chuck 
which are the better speakers.
The AR-9's are very good I have a pair of AR-90's but they do need a lot of power to sound their best. I don't know anything about the Mac's . There is a seller on e-bay called vintage AR that specializes in AR speakers and is very reputable.Chuck 
Focal Electra 1028 Be set , where i can find them?
Have you thought about writing the distributor for a list of dealers in your area?