

Responses from curiousjim

Buying online, online searches and Scams oh my!
eBay is full of good people and bad people.And I don’t want to find the bad people, Having said that, I have bought very little through eBay in recent years for that reason. But always remember, if it looks to good to be true….  
Borresen Loudspeakers
If I win Powerball, I’d love to try those $550K babies.  Even if they don’t sound all that great, they look great. IMHO.  
Speakers to pair with Quicksilver mid mono
Another vote for JBL or Klispch.  The current JBL, LS100’s can be had for@$2000 and the Klispch Hersey lV’s for a bit more.  Although you might want a sub with the Heresy’s.  Darn it, the spell check keeps changing the name. All the best.  
Need help chosing a preamp
I would think a good place to start would be a Luxman preamp would be a good place to start.  
Jazz for aficionados
Diggin’ on Goran Starndberh, Monk’s Mood.  
What happens when the stylus tip wears out on a $12,000 cartridge?
What happens, when a $12000 cartridge wears out? You end up with thousands of hours of great listening and a $1200 cartridge that should be re tipped and enjoyed for thousands more hours. So what does the company who made the cartridge have to sa... 
Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?
I’m just guessing, but because they were so popular, a lot of people bought them.  Now there’s another must have amplifier out there.  Be patient, it’s a good product and the tides will turn back in your favor. All the best.  
Jazz for aficionados
This dreary Saturday morning I’m starting with Derek Smith, High Energy.  Another underrated piano player, IMHO.  
Tune of the Day
This is good!  
What makes One Music Server Sound Better than Another?
Well I’ll be darned, Roon’s basic software changes the sound without using any fancy filters or DSP. I guess that other guy was right. Live and learn. mapman 21,624 posts 01-26-2024 at 03:38pm  @mitch2 thanks for that info. So given all t... 
Who out there wants to, or has, validated an amazing cable find?
Sure, If it’s for free, I could use some 5 meter XLR cables, My 3 meter XLR’s are being overly stretched!  
I took Frank Zappa’s advice
I’m going to Saint Alfonzo’s for pancakes.  
3-4 dB dip at crossover region: what should I listen for to hear it?
Always trust your ears and not asr! All the best.  
Tune of the Day
Jazz for aficionados
Go Hazel Scott Go!