

Responses from curiousjim

starting equiment that ic cold from being shipped
Tubes yes you should wait a bit so everything warms up some so the temperature change isn’t as drastic. SS, probably won’t make any difference. All the best.  
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
ocdmikey is the same clown who lost out on distributing of Denafrips products and went on YouTube blasting the company and their products.  Really appeared to be sour grapes. Maybe he pissed of Mac as well.  
How many systems do you have?
Four.  Office, Music room, family room two channel and TV room three channel.  
Power Cable Suggestions Needed
Check out Audience F3’s.  They can be had for @$150 B Stock. All the best. JD  
Last time I had a nice audio system in my car, some SOB broke into that car and stole it.  After that, Quoth The Raven, Never More!   JD  
CD transport vs.streaming
Lol,  I just bought an Audiolab 600cdt and I’m pleasantly surprised on how good it sounds. I have been toying with the idea of getting a Node N130 and a Tidal or Amazon subscription. JD  
@atmasphere , How exciting!  I just joined your FB page so I can keep abreast of all your good news.😃 JD  
Your method for discovering great music.
@n80, Lol, it was like seven boxes and four milk crates full and very few duplicates. 😀  
Your method for discovering great music.
In addition to trying what others have suggested and what the reviewers mention,  a few years ago I stopped at a garage sale. Ended up buying about 1100 CD’s for $100. They kept me busy for months!  I actually kept about 350 disks and gave the res... 
Dr. Johnny Fever from WKRP in Cincinnati has signed off :-(
The best part of WKRP    
Lol, When the Rams came to Saint Louis, you couldn’t hear yourself think for most of the game.  By the third year, you could. And by the fifth year, you could hear a pin drop because there was little to cheer for. So now the Rams have rebuilt ag... 
GIK Vicoustic and others
I’d insulate because it’s the basement, but no need for double drywall. Another place to put insulation is in the ceiling, it will definitely cut down on the noise complainants from upstairs 😁 All the best. JD  
Buyer Dispute
@kirbymydog, File with PayPal and make sure Agon knows what’s going on as well.  You have been way to patient in my opinion! The seller isn’t going to own up to anything or buy you a set of tweeters either. So sorry you have to go through all th... 
Oh Ye of Little Format
I’ve done the same test and we were all over the place with our answers. So many albums are poorly recorded, so it doesn’t matter what the format. “you can t make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.” All the best. JD    
High End Intergraded comparisons, Marantz, McIntosh, Levinson, Luxman....
I have the Hegel H390 powering KEF Reference 5’s and get more than enough slam on most tunes and for those that I more, I have a subwoofer. But honestly, I rarely use it.   All the best.