

Responses from curiousjim

Next move from Parasound HINT?
+1 for the Hegel H390. All the best. JD  
Mcintosh MC462 versus Luxman M10X
Not sure about current Mac products, but a Luxman L507UXll will probably be my next amp. Very musical! All the best. JD  
Will you hear the most beautiful music...
Is there Wagyu pork? Mmmm bacon  🥓 🥓🥓🥓🥓    
Please Recommend Highly Efficient Floor Standing Non-Horn Speaker Suggestions
The Klispch Legacy speakers are pretty darn efficient. All the best. JD  
any thoughts?
I just replaced my 1996, Sony CDP-2700 with the Audiolab 6000CDT and it sounds very good.   I also have an OPPO and I think the Audiolab sounds better when used as a transport. All The Best. JD  
I tried Bi-Wire, Bi-Amping years ago and Bi-Wire only made a small difference, but Bi-Amping with a better crossover (I used an old tube ARC two way) made a wonderful difference. YRMV. JD  
This will answer your question.      
Am I nuts?
Not necessarily, I have a Sony CDP-2700 that has a born on date of January 1996.  It was my daily driver until just a few weeks ago when I relegated it to my second system. Nothing wrong with it, I wanted a remote. All the best. JD  
Just updated my virtual system
@erik_squires ,  I really like that butcher block stand! I might have to start saving for my next birthday present to myself.😁 All the best. JD  
N.P.I. What is it?
What it npi again? JD  
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
@vuch , ”Mikey told his side of the story of what happened. He said people can continue to buy the brand if they want. That’s not sour grapes. That’s explaining his decision to drop the brand and move on. If the company didn’t honor it’s agreeme... 
Your experience with these power cables?
@jsbach1685 , Audience just introduced a F5 power cord.  I’m going to order one when I can and compare it to the F3’s I already have. All the best. JD  
Bluesound 2i coaxial output sound quality
@wlutke , Will adding $500 worth of upgrades to a $500 streamer give you better than a $1000 streamer?  I bought the new Node and got a bad one and sent it back and am waiting for a replacement. As I am waiting, I’m wondering if I could do better... 
Cascade Noise Burn-In V2
 I didn’t receive anything yet. I must be on another email cycle. JD  
PRIMARE SC15 (or NP5+DAC) or ARCAM ST60 or...???
Oh, There is a Primare FB page , that might be helpful to you. All the best. JD