

Responses from curiousjim

How can I tell if I am overdriving the amp or the speakers?
And while I am play some tunes loud, It’s no where near face melting volumes I’m talking about. I’ll put a meter to it tomorrow and give some numbers, but I’d be surprised if I was much past 85 dbs. JD  
How can I tell if I am overdriving the amp or the speakers?
@grannyring , 15’ 6”x 20’ room with openings on every wall. Front end is either an Oppo, Audiolab 6000CDT or using upnp to a NAS. 8’ runs of AQ Rocket 88 wire. Speakers are 7’6” apart with my listening position at 7’6” and no toe-in. JD  
How can I tell if I am overdriving the amp or the speakers?
@spatialking , Lets see, no warning light. No blown fuses, oh and I have AQ, 8’ Rocket 88 speaker wire. JD  
SACD/CD player update
@cygnus_859 , While it didn’t change anything  SACD, I bought a new DAC and the Oppo became a new Redbook transport.  All the best. JD    
CD player
I bought the Audiolab 6000cdt about three months ago and have been very happy with it so far. It sounds better than my older Oppo and as good as my Dying Sony CDP-2700. All the best. JD  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
Have you ever noticed that dealers rarely if ever toe in their demo speakers?  I wonder why.  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
I’ve had the Reference 5’s for about 6 months now and I’m still trying to get the “Just right”. JD  
Does carpet deaden the sound too much?
@g_nakamoto , Wow, Just had a flashback of a friend’s system.  He had the four 901’s hanging from the ceiling.  He thought it was the greatest. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. JD  
Warning for Revel lovers
So sorry to hear of your bad experience, but I am very much interested in hearing all about your experience’s with the FR-30’s! All the best. JD  
Recommended integrated amplifier for upgrade
Check out the Hegel H390 or H590. Both have a slightly warm sound to them and have plenty of power for your Sonus Faber’s.  I have the H390 and am very happy with the sound with the KEF Reference 5’s. All the best. JD  
Jays cdt2mk3
@hiend2 ,  I am so glad it was something simple like the cables because I was looking at getting one for my system as well. JD  
Turn it up...?
I’m thinking it’s something else. I know my hearing is not the same when I get up in the morning as it is in the afternoon/evening. All the best. JD  
Jays cdt2mk3
Maybe a dumb question, but are your cables going the right way? All the best. JD  
Are there speakers that disappear regardless of the recording?
I’m still trying to get my speakers/room/seating position right, but there are many Symphony recordings and Rock albums from the sixties that sound really really bad no matter what you do. All the best. JD  
Will you hear the most beautiful music...
@tablejockey ​​​​@realworldaudio, Thanks for the tip on Mangalica pigs.  I wonder what’s available here in the Midwest. @tablejockey, They’re Iberico pigs. Very expensive hams come  from those little fellas. JD