
Responses from cruz123

$5000 universal player ... am I a fool ?
Why compromise with a universal player that attempts to do everything? With your priorities (redbook) and a $5k budget, I would suggest spending $4700 on a top notch "universal" redbook/SACD player, such as the Ayre c5xe, and then spend $300 on a ... 
720p vs 1080i
I have a friend who is a certified ISF technician and has calibrated 1000's of televisions. I stand by his advise. At 50" or less there is no difference to the human eye between 720 and 1080. Larger than that and the difference MAY be apparent, or... 
What PC for PPP?
I'm not sure I understand the benefit of the power cord on a product that claims to regenerate and recondition the incoming A/C regardless of quality. In fact, according to the PS Audio website: The Premier doesn't care what the quality of your in... 
No frills CD player for tube amp
Tpreaves, I've owned the Cary 308T and the Jolida. Although the 308t is a "better" player in my opinion, it is not what I would describe as a "warm" player. Rather, the 308t is a transparent and dynamic player that I would not recommend for a brig... 
No frills CD player for tube amp
Your description of "way too bright" leads me to believe that your speaker setup may need tweaking, since poor speaker set-up is probably the leading cause of excessive brightness, IMO. So, I would suggest that you revisit your speaker set up, i.e... 
Surge protection, no filtering, no regen please...
I would be skeptical of any product that claims to prevent a direct lightning strike. Lightning ranges from several hundred million to a billion volts and up to several hundred thousand amps. Good luck stopping that kind of power. The "surges" mos... 
Where to start in building a beginner's system?
I would suggest that you figure out the budget part and then elicit recommendations that are within that budget. Otherwise, you're likely to get a lot of recommendations for gear that you may or may not be able to afford.Certainly, if you don't mi... 
Pair of JL Audio F110-Good Subs???
Thanks, Alpha. The Dynamos are nice little subs for the money and they integrate well in my two channel only setup. I cross them under the low frequency of my monitors and, in my room, I don't need hugely powerful subs. The Dynamos would probably ... 
Pair of JL Audio F110-Good Subs???
If money's not a issue, I would do the two F112's. I believe your room's too big for two F110's and I believe you would be happier with stereo F112's over the single F113 for music listening. Just my .02. 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 questions
Where in that sentence to you see anything about using a preamp?I think its the prior sentence, wherein you said you're running the Opus into an Ayre preamp that's leading to the confusion. 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 questions
I much prefer the Opus with a preamp in my system. I tried it direct to my VAC monoblocks and it was ok, but I gained clarity and resolution with a preamp (Dodd pre). Also, I didn't feel the Opus had enough gain run direct and the pre helped in th... 
Squeze Box Question
You'll never get a consensus in regard to which setup sounds best, so the basic decision you have to make is how you want to listen to music. If you like the perceived convenience of a hard drive based system, then there are computer/DAC options t... 
Best audio quality - Apple iTouch vs iPod Classic
The classic is a better music replay device, IMHO, because it will hold significantly more music. The touch is more of an all purpose tool. For example, I'm typing this note from an airport on my Touch. And, I use my touch as a controller for my S... 
Who is that incredible jazz bass girl?
Heres another jazz (and bluegrass) bass girl. 
Modwright Transporter vs ModSqueezebox w/ PS????
If you plan to use a DAC, I question whether the Transporter is worth the price difference, unless you need 24/96 capability. If you want to use the analog outs, the anecdotal evidence indicates the the TP would clearly be the better choice, the M...