
Responses from crazy4blues

AC/DC remasters....
Hmmm. . . gonna hafta try this one. I'll get back to ya . . . 
Deecee has a good point. It's kinda like Fung Swei for audio. But, seriously, it's time to lose the 'stats. Time to try some real-world mini monitors with a kick-butt tube amp. You'll have a lot more fun in your little grotto. 
Soliloquy 5.3 Would they be good with a Krell?
I have some 5.3s, and I think that the real questions is: will the Krell work with the Soliloquy's. These speakers are extremely flexible. I have tried the following amps with these speakers: LFD Mistral Integrated, Jolida 102b, VTL 2.5 pre/Pass L... 
Best tracks to "show off" your system
I get out the Oingo Boingo records. 80s vinyl is so much fun because all that stuff they did in the studio was still largely analog, and the recording engineering had reached its peak. But I also like to get out Sgt. Pepper; I tell my friends: "Th... 
a great blues album
Yes!!! I totally agree. This is BB's best in maybe 20 years. He really just sits down and plays on this album. In fact, my favorite cut is "The Blues We Like," which is an instrumental 1-4-5 12-bar blues in E flat. Perfect! 
Cars R OK, but what kind of motorcycle do you have
Used to have a Ducati ST-2, but I crashed it--twice. I don't ride no more. The good news is that I have a lot more money for audio gear! That, I'm still walking around and able to perform elementary arithmetic problems in a reasonably short period... 
VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?
Hi, all. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I got a really good deal on a .9 mV Benz Micro Glider, and it's doing a great job right now. There's more than enough gain; my records play louder than my CDP, which is the first time I've ever experien... 
Changing to less expensive gear.
I recently went from a Rogue 88/VTL 2.5 pre w/ phono ($2,200 w/ ICs) to a $350 ASL integrated. Well, I also paid another $750 for a VTL phono stage (not a full pre), and I have basically cut my costs in half, but that doesn't even take into acount... 
Recommendation for marching, war classical music.
Don't forget J.P. Sousa's "Liberty Bell March," which is the theme song for Monty Python's Flying Circus! The first few notes always produce a very silly grin on one's visage! 
Freaked out about having a TT shipped
Actually, I would be less worried about a TT's being shipped--as long as it is in the original packaging and is double boxed. Turntables actually have only a few pieces: plinth, platter, arm, cartridge. As long as these items are shipped in their ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Original issue Ray Charles! Yes, I actually have some 60s-issue vinyl from the No. 1 Soulman his own self! Thanks be to my father: R.I.P!! Et les duex . . . 
Eric Clapton covers Robert Johnson
Terry:I wonder if the album jacket's glue isn't more suseptible to the Hawaiian humidity? BTW, I just ordered a stack of 140 grams from Mosaic's website (actually it's, which is linked to Mosaic, which is itself linked to the Blue Not... 
Eric Clapton covers Robert Johnson
Slingshot:Did you try a VTA adjustment for the 200 gram vinyl? I have a Gyro to, but I can't adjust VTA because of the stock Rega RB300, but I HAVE noticed that all of the heavier vinyl (read: thicker) does seem to be a little muddied in the upper... 
VPI Scout or Michell Technodec?
Just a bit of an update. After 53 hours of overtime, I was able to buy a used Gyro SE with rega rb300 arm and a temporary cartridge (Sumiko Black Pearl)--$1,200. So far, I'm very happy with the results--and that's just after about a dozen or so si... 
What's on your reading list?
Gunbei: Yeah, I can see it now: The movie will star Harrison Ford and Angelina Jolie. I'm taking bets!