
Responses from crazy4blues

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Question for Slipknot1: Do you have any Slipknot on vinyl? 
Cayin vs. Antique Sound Labs
My advice: Dump the Cayin. If you really like your speakers, you should keep the amp that makes them perform their best. I think that if you try to hunt for the right speakers to match to your amp, you're going to start creating a lot of headaches... 
Audionote Soro SE, or cheaper single-ended?
For those of you who don't recommend the Fox: Have you actually heard one? Seriously, if you want to help this guy, you can't compare the ASL Waves to the Fox. By the same token, the Hurricanes are, again, tottally another species. They are as dif... 
Audionote Soro SE, or cheaper single-ended?
I have really enjoyed my ASL FOX Ki22. They seem to be going for about $800 to $900 on the used market. I recently put in some Sylvania 6sn7wgt in the preamp section, and the performance is really satisfying. I haven't heard the SORO, but I would ... 
Anyone tried the Mapleshade Clearview PC Kit?
You know, on something like this, I would email mapleshades and ask them about actually connecting the cord to the internals of your component. Seems like that would make a better connection, and you'd get the maximum performance out of the product. 
Looking for an acoustic guitar recording..
Tenacious D. This is actor Jack Black's group, but the guitar playing and the vocals are quite good. Some of the tracks are full rock band, but most are acoustic based. There are many "in between" tracks of just talking, but it's pretty funny if c... 
best used 2 channel preamp for under $2500
If I had this much, I would seek out a VTL 5.5 with a phono stage. When I had separates, I really liked my VTL 2.5, so it was a natural thing to go up the upgrade path. My other choice would be a Cary Slp w/ phono. I don't know why, but I've alway... 
Low watt system for rock,electronica?
Ray: Great idea to sell HT. Here's why: There is simply much more media available for a well-put-together 2 channel system, especially a SET one. I have gone from solid state to push/pull tube to SET setups, and I haven't looked back. (You can che... 
Jazz - Live
Cool! Yoshi's. Here's another: George Coleman Live at Yoshi's. I am actually in this audience! What a great gig! 
Music for the spirit and the soul
John Coltrane's A Love Supreme, Sunship, First Meditations, and Transitions are all excellent recordings of The Quartet--McCoy, Elven, Jimmy, and Trane. These were recorded, I believe, from late '63 through '65. It is my favorite period of Coltran... 
Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green
Neither is close to the "best." I know I have posted here before, but this thread won't seem to go away. When you start listening to a lot of really good blues players--ones who can elicit emotion from six strings--you will start to realize that C... 
I need a quiet tube amp
Tom: What's your price range? I have had two different ASL integrateds: An MG si15 and a FOX Ki22, neither of which would be a good match for your Proacs. However, they make some other very powerful amps, but the 200 watt hurricanes are about $5k!... 
Interconnect between VTL tube pre and Bryston amp
I would second the AZ Ref Matrix, but I would go with the MK1 version, which, IMHO, is more musical while, perhaps, sacrificing some freq. extension. I had a 2.5 running into a Rogue 88, and I never felt like I needed to change the AZ's. 
Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler w/ Digital
You'll notice a huge difference. Just remember: this cable isn't very flexible. It was fun, but I think that the Audience, which is more $, is a nicer sounding cable: smoother and good frequency extension on both ends. 
Jazz station recommendations, please.
Have to second KCSM. The great thing about this station is that the DJ's are the most knowledgeable you'll ever hear, and each one has his or her own 'style.' It's a true to joy to listen and learn about this music this way!