

Responses from coralkong

Furutech NCF Clear Line Audio Grade AC Optimizer
I have one. It’s sitting over there on the shelf. I could not detect any changes in my system while using it so I removed it. Sell it to you for cheap if you want to try it for yourself.....  
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
What an absolute debacle of a post, lol. The Kraken, the serf, and tons of useless measurements. It's all here,folks.    
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
Why am I getting Lord of the Rings vibes? Master? Creepy $hit, man....  
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
Here we go....the Kraken awakens, lol.    
New Synergistic Master Fuse
Didn’t work for you? Great. Save your money. Don’t believe in it? Great. Save your money. Don’t understand it? Great. Save your money. Is your equipment is not up to snuff? Bummer. Save your money. Buy some better stuff. Want some measurements... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
those that have, and those that don't.   
New Synergistic Master Fuse
@ebm, I like SR's stuff. At least the products I have tried. For the most part they do what they say they do. YMMV, but I don't begrudge anyone who puts out a product, supports their products, warrants their products and makes money doing so. I... 
Why so many ads
Ad blocker of your choice..........try one.  
New Synergistic Master Fuse
@andynotadam , now THAT'S what I'm talking about. You obviously have a system where the subtleties can be heard (observed?) readily.  Not sure my system is worth upgrading from the Purples, but those, too replace Oranges, so..... I'd agree....t... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
@audioman58 , some people bring absolutely nothing useful to a discussion. They don't know what they don't know. I try to ignore them. Why they feel the need to post on discussions such as this baffles me. It only makes them look dumb. Everythin... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
I might try one of the new Master Fuses, but I’m quite happy with the Purples currently in my system. I know that there are several companies offering fuses for a lot more than $600, but that’s about hitting my limit, at least for the equipment I’... 
Previous Ownership...does it matter to you?
@akg_ca , Well, I’d never purchase something where I knew the seller was lying. I’ve bought many a piece of gear that was used, mostly from private parties, some from dealers. Some experiences have been better than others, but overall, I’ve don... 
Previous Ownership...does it matter to you?
I guess I don't really care about the equipment's past. I'm much more concerned with its' current condition. You can usually tell if it has been taken care of or beaten on pretty quickly...  
Audiphile Press: Am I jaded, experienced, or has it declined?
Who wants to smell my finger?   Smell it. Smell it  now.  
Audiphile Press: Am I jaded, experienced, or has it declined?
Toilet literature.  Paint. The bowl.