
Responses from clueless

When will the "Madness" stop
Hi Sandle:You say>"I have spend 10 years and an amount of money I don't even want to think about on the quest for the 'perfect' system. I have gone through at least 20 of each component category (CD, Vinyl, Pre, Amp, Speakers, Wires, Gadgets,..... 
Equipment reviews, are they credible?
>"The site needs to be constructed so that a review writer can draft their article over more than one session if need be."For now all you need to do is write it in the wordprocessor of your choice and copy and paste.I remain, 
Equipment reviews, are they credible?
Hi Nrchyyou said> "How do you know which of the above categories the reviewer of the piece of equipment comes from?"I'm a little hurt because I really feel I have done my part in this regard. My handle was adopted after numerious e-mail request... 
Compressed recordings? HiFi enemy 1?
Hey Hi:Well, I'm not the one to ask, but IMHO for about 98% of the music out there they can't compress it enough! With any luck sometime soon we won't be able to hear it at all. Worrying about the recording quality of the stuff is like worrying ab... 
help on tubes
Hi T:Welcome to tubes! Very early in the a.m. here. I'm on the "Insomnia express", so excuse me if I babble. I can't tell you much about your BAT (never owned one) except that I believe it uses 6C33CB for a power tube --a big power triode used in ... 
DIY Speakers, worth the hassles?
Hi Ake:DIY speakers are NOT created equal. There is a bigger difference from speaker to speaker in all DIY stuff than even retail. That is, some of it stinks and some of it is great. That being said, I think the returns on DIY speakers are greater... 
how much should you spend on cable?
Inna:"50% the price of speakers for 8'pair of speaker cables is within reason"I guess I have to disagree. If cables are components they are passive components. A speaker has to transform electrical energy to magnetic energy to mechancial energy to... 
Lowther Voigt Pipes are up and running
Thanks T: Keep the reports coming as they break in. The Club of Norway took off the plans at their site - at least as far as I can tell. Are they on the web somewhere? I know I have them but I can't find them. Duh. If you have any info on the wing... 
Where to get chassis for monoblocks?
The second time around.Try Horace Atkinson. Nice work too.e-mail: hatkinson@hot.rr.comI think there is some info on Horace at the Headwize site. 
Where to get chassis for monoblocks?
Hi Atzen:Not sure about your size but they do nice work. Worth a look anyway.Let us know how they turn out!!I have one other site that I couldn't find. I'll look again and post it if I find it.www.par-metal.comGood luck, 
Internal Speaker Rewiring
One of the biggest differences might be your choice of capacitors to replace the old in the high pass filter for the tweeter. I would do a search over at the Audio Asylum tweak forum or the Madisound Speaker Building forum as there has been a lot ... 
How Piglet Feels
Glad you feel so good about being on KP duty, so to speak.You're one of the few that makes me laugh regularly around here. Thanks!I remain, 
Is it possible for something to be the best?
No, there is no "best." It would be undemocratic and elitist to think so! At the very most there is a "best of the moment" which closely resembles Andy Warhol's comment that "we will all be famous for 15 minutes." Fortunately, for the manufacturer... 
Fatigue Subjective???
Hi Robert and all:I think "fatigue" is used in many different ways. Some may be subjective. One example for a speaker is aluminum dome tweeters, which are often said to cause fatigue. Some are not very well implimented and a peek at certain freque... 
Any "musicians" in the bunch?
I still play a little guitar. Not very good anymore but it's fun and relaxing. I think Jack Benny used to joke he had to practice the violin an hour and a half a day to be BAD. It's no joke. I took a music minor in college and played classical (de...