
Responses from clueless

Better magazine, Stereophile or Absolute Sound
I vote Mutt, No wait...Jeff! What's the last thing Mutt said again? Mutt, Jeff, Mutt, Jeff....shi*! How many times can you vote?What was the question again?"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thiev... 
What's everybody listening to this evening?
Huh?Don't tell me about ruts Pfreak. I got a crick in my neck from looking up! Glad to hear you like Lloyd, he's nice isn't he? A different universe from "Black and Blue." That's one of the nice things about music. You can move from one place to t... 
What's everybody listening to this evening?
Hi Pfreak:Charles Lloyd, The Water is Wide.I remain, 
Dripping faucet leading to a flood; performed by?
Lng:"For some reason I have been recollecting this song"Is your toilet running?I remain, 
New Lowther Drivers.
TWL:Please keep us informed. Thanks, 
What is the best Beatle Song
CFB, I worry you will run into some thorny legal conflict with someone who does not like Blackbird. Nice to see your cornfeedbutt back in the mix.(with excuses, no respect, etc...)I remain, 
40hz ratings/speaker response
Ursula:It's probably not your amp. Are you familiar with the Fletcher-Munson curve? Psycho acoustics play a big role. Our ears are more sensitive to certain frequencies than others. See or do a google se... 
How much should I spend?
Must say in advance that what I know about the digital front end would not float many boats. Anyway I was just reading a thread (from a knowledgeable source) on jitter which goes: "A lousy cable after an anti-jitter unit could easily undo the fil... 
Which SS preamps will compete w/ tubes?
Tennis pro. All good things take a little time. What if someone put two weeks into tennis and walked away because it was to complicated or difficult? My God! Backhand, forehand, dropshots, volleys...haven't got it in two weeks...I quit! It is par ... 
How to stop the boom in the low frequencies
Rives: It's appreciated that you do not want to make the forum an ad. Always a fine line between what's acceptable and what's not. But, if you disclose and are upfront, IMHO, its nice to have a professional room/acoustic person in the mix. Cheers, 
What model Speakers are on the show Friends?
What else? Those would be the Anorexia-NervosAudio B&P500s. I hear they are a little thin on the bottom.Sincerely, I remain 
pure class A?
This is an area that is a little hard to explain if you do not have a little background. It deals with the amount of time that the tube (I tend to talk tubes) conducts when an input signal is applied. That is the only issue involved. For class A,... 
Intro to tubes: Jolida or Bottlehead or Others?
Hi Loki:It's basically a matter of the amp's sensitivity and input impedance. Both are very sensitive and are a good match re impedance for a CDP. You could use a passive pre if you wanted. You could do that now or some time later. Did you read an... 
Intro to tubes: Jolida or Bottlehead or Others?
Hi Loki: The Bottlehead is, of course, a DIY kit. It is almost impossible to beat a kit re bang for buck. If you would like to DIY it is a good choice. The best thing about DIY is that you learn so much quickly and you can change your equipment to... 
DIY speakers (great speaker building forum at this site too) No parts here, just ideas /great forum for "Full Range" drivers at this sitewww.eSpeaker.comwww.Zalytron.comwww.Northcreekmusic.comwww.Partsexpress.comwww.Murph...