
Responses from clueless

How to read tubes?
Viridian gives good advice. You cannot recognize tube parameters just by reading names because the info is not in the names. Here are a few online links that explain what the “operating parameters”, as Viridian calls them, are.An online copy of an... 
Something More Efficient than Revel Studios?
Take a look at JM Labs as one candidate. It has about the nominal sensitivity you are looking for. You can pick up the Mezzo Utopias here now new for about 7k. Not sure what you you mean by "low wattage amps." Lots of choices but only your ears. A... 
Tube amp troubleshooting question
Hi Jay:It sure doesn't sound like the "normal range of behavior" to me. Sounds like stuff that should drive you CRAZY. I'm impressed you're so calm. Sounds like you have a current problem. That would explain the fuse and the tube. You have a curre... 
Cain&Cain Abby
Hi M:If you're running 93db with that amp and like it I think you will really be happy when you bump up the efficiency a little more. Lots depends on the room of course. This, I believe, is a link for the plans Twl used for his Voigt Pipe Lowther ... 
DIY Speakers, worth the hassles?
Just returned from the Summer "Chicago Horn Bash" and had the chance to spend many hours talking to Dan Wiggens of Adire Audio. [I kept the conversation on audio/speakers as much as possible through dinner without going off the "you're driving me ... 
Rectifying bridge.
A picture of the hexford upgrade in an atmosphere. Cute ain't they? 
Rectifying bridge.
Going from a half-wave to full-wave rectifier you will get a better wave form. Less ripple. You still only get half the voltage of the secondary winding. The negative part of the AC current is just blocked by the diodes and not used. You use a cen... 
Does size matter?
Size does matter if only because you have a trade-off in speakers between 1)(small)Size, 2)effeciency and 3)bass. Mother nature will not let us have all three. If you go for small size you will give up one of the other two(at least). Smaller is li... 
Best transformer to mate with 2a3 based tube?
cbird:There is no "Best"Is this your first amp overall or your first 2A3?If this is your first project I suggest that you don't try to build the amp of your dreams with really expensive iron the first time around. You can get great sound w/o the l... 
Music to test with:
Anything by Celine Dion. If the rig makes it sound good it must be great.... buy it.Sincerely,I remain, 
Treating foam speaker surrounds
Hi Sean:Seems to me it's like spraying something on a rose to keep it blooming forever. Nice idea but maybe can't be done. You don't want to change the suspension of the cone either. "An once of prevention is worth....." Kind of pedestrian and i'm... 
Why is my amp distorting?
Mc:What are the strange sounds?Have you tried dropping the amp into another system as a last attempt to isolate the problem and/or dropping another amp in yours?This, I think, would at least would isolate the problem unless it's a negative synergy... 
Will painting an acoustic panel lower absorbency?
HI J:Well, from a simple question about paint to general room acoustics.Rives is a pro at this and has lots of hands on experience so my $.02 isn't much. But I think he is right on re asking about how much fiber board you want to put in the room a... 
Will painting an acoustic panel lower absorbency?
Hi J:Hi SeanNice question.Have to agree with Sean on this one. Make no claims of any expertise but will pass on a couple things. F. Alton Everest makes the following statement about mid/high frequency absorption.“ The absorption efficiency of mat... 
Basic Repertoire or flogging a dead horse
Well Pbb, I was watching your post with interest but I am totally unqualified to opine on a "basic repertoire" of orchestral music. I am interested in learning though. Reminds me a little of the late Mortimer Adler's Greatest Books project. No end...