
Responses from clueless

A tubes vs. Solid State question.
Hey I forgot the best of it. As the ad says it "transforms cold and harsh sound into warm emotional sound." If you put Tube-O-Lator directly on your ears even your spouse sounds like he/she is "on tubes." Warmer with a slight "blush" in the mid-ra... 
A tubes vs. Solid State question.
SS - Tubes. It doesn't make any difference. The debate is over. All you need is this and a brush. Measurements don't matter either. Just paint over the numbers and be done with them.SincerelyI remain, 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Hey, I think you're insulting Harpo.SincerelyI remain 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Cd's and the newest incarnation of cable. Hummm...Didn't Sartre call that hell?SincerelyI remain, 
Tubes Do It -- Transistors Don't.
If you coun't blocking/chopping sound out (which is, in part,why cd's are so "quiet")as distortion, cd's create more distortion than any source. It's just the sin of omission and some folks do not miss what they do not hear and consider it "clean"... 
What music is not derivative?
I love Mark Knopfler but he would be the first to acknowledge his many heros and main sources. Among them Chet Atkins and J.J. Cale. Look at the chord progressions of Cale. It runs through all of Knopfler's stuff. Unmistakable.I remain 
Why Sony watts aren't as good as _____ watts
Hi NikkidanjoYou say "Of course this is a simplistic take on the subject and looks solely at output power, which we all know is not the best way to judge amps."I guess I would agree. For example, Class-A amplifiers are generally capable of a very ... 
What music is not derivative?
Hummm....Every music is derivative. Nothing bad about that. In fact, it's a good thing. You stand on someone's can see further. I'm not one to say there is nothing new under the sun but there is nothing completely new. Are you goin... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
A lot of writing goin on here! I'll repeat what RCrump said a number of posts up because it says it in 3 lines. Quote "Spend your dollars on better gear before you think about better wires.....10% of the cost of the system will get you down the ro... 
Would you cancel 3,250 deal cause 16 short?
I'm with Rosstaman. I don't think we know the whole story. You don't break a deal for .005%. He had a better-nearer deal.SincerelyI remain, 
Is a offer of -20 percent on an OBO ad insulting?
I agree with Herman too. If you sell obo it's just that. You have to expect offers at that price(20% off).Especially in the audio market right now which is a buyer's market. If he has time to insult you he has time to simply say no. I think he's b... 
Tubes Do It -- Transistors Don't.
Twl, might as well give them the article. Eduardo de Lima ?Why Single Ended Tube AmplifiersI remain, 
Tubes Do It -- Transistors Don't.
Tubegroover, you forgot thermionic coolosity in your analysis. I find that to be a very critical factor too. As for the either/or thing I agree with Detlof that the "debate" is irate. Some folks like myself have at least one thermionic unit laying... 
What type or kind of electronics ss.,tubes, sep..
I'll say it a second time a little more accurately. You cannot tame reflections and reverberation problems with frequency equalizers. You can't get away with not working on the room. 
What are ideal impedences between tube and ss?
Hi South:Does this help or is it too arcane? I remain