
Responses from cleeds

Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?
roger_paul " I know how difficult it is to see what I'm talking about believe me - this is why it took years to figure out ..."I think you are still trying to figure it out. That's why you haven't been able to explain it so that anyone here other ... 
Power Re Generator capacity questions
Amplifiers have varying degrees of efficiency; there's no strict correlation between current draw and output power. You'll need to add up the current draw of each device that you plan to plug into the power regenerator to ensure you're not overloa... 
Synergy with matching cables?
This is a thorny question. Some will agree that there is synergy in brand consistency. Others will contend that the cables will make no difference at all, unless one is defective.With cables especially, there's no reason to purchase without a mone... 
Tonearm recommendation
rauliruegas  " ...cleeds: fabricated?. That's why some of you can understand or just are against my opinions: because I had and have experiences you don't live yet."Sorry, Raul. You don't know what you're talking about. First, I'm not against y... 
Tonearm recommendation
fleib " ... Raul, Nice story, but it's a little hard to believe. You and your scientist friend are in a lab playing records and watching the stylus with an electron microscope? This was at normal speed and slow motion..." It's obviously a fab... 
Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?
roger_paul  " ... in order to have speed variations on the turntable the are like those found in amplifier, your TT speed (33 rpm) would have to speed up to 66 rpm in order to produce a harmonic of what ever is in the groove. Amplifiers that ... 
Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?
r_f_sayle  " ...Perhaps whatever we hear is all that matters. I do not derive any pleasure from numbers, or being 'right'. Your statement is most accurate, yet if I'm musically fooled and happy (in front of my Hi-fi), is it not a better place to... 
Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?
r_f_sayles  " ... never the less, we hear without fail."Oh no, you're mistaken . The ear is very easily fooled. 
Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?
roger_paul  " ... THD analyzers do not detect velocity. It is too far below the ability to display. The circuit can detect velocity and correct faint variations in speed in real time."Oh,  you are talking about a turntable! Speed variations ca... 
Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?
roger_paul " ... Actually - it cannot be measured by external analyzers but it can be detected within the circuit and removed."If you have identified distortion but can't measure it, then either you are measuring the wrong thing, or you're mistak... 
Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?
roger_paul " ... Yes there is distortion that cannot be measured and has been the most destructive obstacle in the way of reproducing actual live sound ..."If you have identified distortion that you can't measure, then you are measuring the wro... 
Hum from Empire 698
normansizemore283 posts"Sounds like the cartridge is picking up a open ground loop..."That doesn't make any sense. A ground loop and an open ground are completely opposite things. A ground loop is the result of two or more paths to ground with di... 
The company has an A+ rating from the BBB. The report shows just one complaint and that it was resolved. 
Infinity Irs Beta servo control
These folks upgrade the servo: The site is in German, but they'll respond in English if you send an email. 
RF Interference - radio signal through my Transparent Cables.
How do you know that the RFI is entering the system through the cables? It could be entering through the DAC. Have you tried another DAC?