Responses from cleeds
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference? geoffkaitAh, the old blind test scam raises its ugly head again. I guess it was just a matter of time. They always threaten blind tests but they don’t wait for the results. It's not a question of waiting for results. The most vocal "advocates"... | |
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference? jinjuku No one demanded any up front payment. Links to those posts please. What I remember is that there was an offer of 5:1 ...Sorry, but upfront payment was demanded, along with other prerequisites. The posts were deleted by the moderators. The... | |
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference? injuku ... why is it always the same ones who can hear differences in fuses, differences in directionality or differences in cables but can never seem to demonstrate it blind ...Actually, there have been blind tests that prove audible differen... | |
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference? kosst_amojan The facts don't allow for any choice in the matter. By definition, if you're choosing to believe in the differences of Ethernet cables, you're willfully delusional. Such a statement is an idiosyncratic belief or impression that y... | |
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference? jinjuku I’ve personally had Ethernet cabling from $27 a foot to $233 a foot and compared directly to 315 foot of BerkTek CAT5e. No difference. That’s interesting. Can you please tell us more about your comparison? Was it based solely on measure... | |
Downloading lossless to my iPhone? You can put lossless audio files on your iPhone, and then play your iPhone through your system using the Wadia transport and an outboard DAC if you like. You won't need a computer to play those files through your system. I'm not very familiar with... | |
Phase inverting preamps hermanIf you take a pure sine wave and shift it 180 degrees then it will look EXACTLY the same on an oscilloscope ...Pretty much!... and will sound EXACTLY the sameThat is very debatable. My preamp has a phase invert switch and on some record... | |
Resolution Audio Remote leemaze OP69 posts04-24-2018 10:04amOr any idea how to program a universal remote to work with a Resolution Audio CD50?A Harmony 650 would probably do what you need. | |
High End is Dead? madavid0 In reality no one is buying high endPerhaps in reality you are not buying high end gear. But to believe that others are bound by your practice is just absurd. | |
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference? kosst_amojanBill Nye ... is hardly any authority on science by training or trade seeing as he's a mechanical engineer.Mechanical engineering is very much a science, kosst. That makes him more of a scientist than you. | |
Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference? kosst_amojanUsually when somebody presents claims of symptoms that have no basis in reality they’re treated with psychiatric medications. Is that what we should do with people who hear Ethernet and HDMI cables?Doctors don’t just throw up their ar... | |
Why are my woofers pumping? Question for @o_holter : Did you buy this cartridge used?If so, all bets are off. You can't be exactly sure of what you have. | |
Why are my woofers pumping? o_holter Thanks Cleeds, but I don't agree. Please prove the case. Why does the arm kill the cartridge? The SME V is a terrific arm, but your woofer pumping problem simply suggests you've mounted the wrong phono cartridge to it. There's no reason... | |
Why are my woofers pumping? o_holter I am happy with everything this combo does, except that it overarches in the low regionThat's rather like, "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"It sounds like the cartridge compliance is just too high. | |
Why are my woofers pumping? atmasphereIt might be that some of those debaters don’t have the bottom end bandwidth in their systems that yours has.That’s possible. It’s also possible that the debaters have absolutely no experience with the arm, or with your arm/cartridge comb... |