
Responses from cleeds

Talk but not walk?
jf47tI have my own audio forum where we report on audio issues as we empirically test them.Perhaps you mentioned it earlier and I missed it. Would you please tell us what forum that is?  
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
jhills In fact lower amp equipment should not be used in high amp circuits. If something fails, something might burn before the breaker trips.That's silly - properly installed 15A and 20A lines are equally safe. In each case, the breaker's fun... 
Klipsch vs Infinity
elizabethInfinity just killed the entire EMIM making. True. they haven't made any in years.Even when great replacement diaphragms were being made in Australia, The folks who bought out Infinity stopped them with patent infringement.Absolutely... 
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
handymannmAccording to UL and NEMA, the only difference between a 125 vac 15 amp receptacle and a 20 amp receptacle, is the plastic cover governing the type of plug it will accept.This is mistaken. A 20A receptacle is designed to safely conduc... 
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
dynaquest4Elizabeth...why should we try? I’ve done that with speaker wire and interconnects and found no difference over appropriate and inexpensive cables.There’s no reason for you to experiment with power cables - your mind is already made up. I... 
Phono cable recommendations - high performance good value cable
bpolettiIt’s all about cable resonances. The very small signal from the cart and from the transformer will and does generate resonances in all the components. A cable must either reduce the resonances or let them pass.How do you know there is res... 
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
tomfooleryAnd yes, you can replace a 15 amp outlet with 20 amp one. It makes thing safer!You can replace a 15A outlet with a 20A outlet provided the wire connecting  the outlet to the panel is of the gauge specified under the NEC and your local ... 
Solid core power cords under 300$ - List of manufacturers ?
auxinput... low grade copper will not be able to charge/discharge the higher frequencies and you’ll have high frequency roll off.Could you please explain these "high frequencies?" Isn’t a power cord set at 60 hZ in the US, by definition? In addit... 
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
laserjock1963If you have 12ga wire and a 20A breaker, just change the receptacleCheck NEC and local codes. How long is the branch circuit? Is the wire in conduit or confined space? 12ga might not be sufficient and even when it is, it's a minimum... 
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
lowrider57Running both lines to the ground bar in the panel means that they will share the same ground, less chance of a ground-loop.This is required by NEC in the US. All grounds must be connected to the ground bus at the service panel.  
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
elizabethThe requirement for a 20 amp service line is 12 gauge wire....As long as we are getting all technicalNot necessarily. Check the NEC and your local code. Code also almost always (there are some exceptions) requires that any "device" (rece... 
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
aniwolfeYou can use a 20a receptacle on a 15a line.Correct. But it's a violation of the NEC and potentially hazardous, because the 15A breaker can 't protect against the potential 20A load, would could cause overheating of the wire inside the wa... 
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
elizabeth... 20 amp duplex on 15 amp wires NEC says no. The NEC is not the wire police. They are guides used by electricians as to what they can and cannot do since they are contractors and THEY have legal and liability concerns ... Those co... 
Interconnects and non-believers
profHow do you think we could determine hype from substance, and just as important, self-delusion from reality?The best approach is to use the same techniques that have proven effective in the rest of your life. After all, deceit and propaganda ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
t_rameyAre business owners of audio products allowed to use a thread started by a customer ...That the posts you question have been allowed by the moderators should be sufficient information to answer your question, no?