
Responses from cleeds

Difference in sound using different carts when digitizing vinyl record?
sleepwalker65With 44kHz sampling I doubt sound quality will be good enough to appreciate the capability of a true hifi cartridge.In my system, 44.1 sampling is more than sufficient for a digital recording to reveal differences in phono cartridges.  
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
glupson ... Those who ask for measurements get attacked for asking for such a ridiculous thing as measurements. Those who suggest blind tests get ridiculed for such a flawed thing as blind tests. ...I don't see that happening here at all. What... 
Difference in sound using different carts when digitizing vinyl record?
confuse_upgraditis ... if I digitize my vinyl record while the record is played using any cart (cart #1) and then again play and digitize the same record using a different cart (cart #2), am I going to hear any sound difference typically a... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
tobor007 For me, the real crime in these discussions is the suggestions that the difference in sound with these tweaks make an obvious difference. There’s no crime being committed here. If you don’t care for the tweaks, you’re free to ignore them. 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
b4icu All qualities they say they give the cables: Cooper purity, use of silver, cryogenic treatment, Bi Wire, Burn In etc’ - has nothing to do with the spec. of a speaker cable. It’s all snake oil mambo jumbo, to cover their and customers i... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
b4icu It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this! What data do you seek? 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
chaksterHave you seen this AT Safety Raiser ? Brand new device from Audio-Technica for lazy guys: ...Wow, everything old is new again. This looks like the exact same "Safety Raiser" that AT made back in the -70s. It is a spring-loaded device.  
Bi-Wire Advice for ProAc Response D2
goethe58 acquired a pair of ProAc Response D2 via an Audiogon member.  Am thinking about bi-wire... I wanted to tap into the experience of this forum, even to hear whether you think bi-wiring is necessary Bi-wiring is absolutely not necessary... 
Serious Passive Preamp question
mrdecibelSome months back I went passive, and found I was fortunate that my gear ( sources and amp ) were very passive capable. I had a tube pre and a ss pre, both of very high standards and recognized in the audio community for being excelle... 
HEY! I'm gonna' be a billionaire
relLooks like a segment of the Audiogon community is suffering from severe HIS (Humor Impairment Syndrome).That would include the OP. The premise just isn't funny. Not even remotely. That may be why some interpreted it seriously. The "humor" on t... 
Step Down Transformers?!
Are you sure you need a step down transformer? Perhaps you are confusing that with an isolation transformer? And what exactly do you mean by a "30A two pole" line? That’s uncommon for household use, at least in the US, and shouldn’t be connected t... 
djones51They are new triple pane windows in an energy efficeint house it has nothing to do with the windows it has to do with to much humidity in a house in very cold winter climates ...If your windows accumulate moisture on the inside durin... 
djones51 Hope you don't live in a cold winter climate to keep 60% humidity your windows will have ice on the inside. You need new windows, or perhaps need to replace the glass in your existing windows.  
What is the fascination?
lewm. Cleeds, do you really think the AR turntable was one of the best available in days of yore? No, it was never the best. But when it first came out in the '60s, it was a whole lot better than much of the competition. That's why its design ... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
mitch2 ... I am skeptical that those folks actually hear the direction of their fuses rather than the psycho-acoustical effects of cognitive bias or loss aversion based on marketing hype ...Skepticism is a good thing. Have you ever experimente...