
Responses from cleeds

Suggestion for best stereo amp ?
mzkmxcvDid you listen to both in a double blind listening with level matching better than 0.5dB and switching between them in less than 10sec? If so, your evaluations aren’t proof ...Of course very few audiophiles listen that way. Even if they... 
Cabinet clearance for Audio Acoustics LS16 tube pre-amp?
n80 I checked out the link to the fans cleeds provided. Interesting. They do make a front exhaust model which would be the only one that would work for me ...Same here, except I use the rear-exhaust version.Sound level is reported as 24 dB.My lis... 
Is the Last Record Preservative system a worthwhile investment?
has2be Do you have reason / experience you could share and explain that could validate the above statement ...As I said, I'm familiar with the product and think it's a cure in search of a disease. I tried some long ago, probably in the early ... 
A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital..
tom1000There are no steps, no divisions, or resolution with analog, but there is with digital. It’s a common misnomer that digital has "steps." To be fair, it seems intuitive that it does. But it doesn’t, as proven here. And analog has limited re... 
Cabinet clearance for Audio Acoustics LS16 tube pre-amp?
n80 And for the record I've gotten conflicting advice here. Right?Quite so. Some of it was consistent with the maunufacturer's recommendation. Some was not.  Who do you trust?  
A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital..
audioengrThere is always a CODEC in the playback software.If you consider a DAC a codec, I guess that’s true.  
Cabinet clearance for Audio Acoustics LS16 tube pre-amp?
n80 ... Madrigal gives specific numbers in terms of spacing as do some other manufacturers. In that regard I don't see why it is unreasonable to expect that sort of info ...I think ARC gave you all the information you or anyone would need. It'... 
Is the Last Record Preservative system a worthwhile investment?
bdp24Last is not "goop". It is a very thin liquid, which when applied to an LP bonds molecularly ...I'm familiar with the product. I think it is a cure in search of a disease.Walter Davies is ... a fantastic guy, and Last Record Preservative a... 
Cabinet clearance for Audio Acoustics LS16 tube pre-amp?
n80  I find it irritating that Audio Research did not give more specifics in regard to placement.How much information did you expect ARC to provide? From the LS16 user manual:"In a cabinet or rack-mount installation which has an enclosed back, an... 
Cabinet clearance for Audio Acoustics LS16 tube pre-amp?
donvitoAll these consoles from the 50’s and 60’s that your granddaddy owned were all tube. Many are still working today with no problem! I doubt an enclosed preamp with its small tubes would be something to worry about!Enclosing a vacuum tube ... 
Is the Last Record Preservative system a worthwhile investment?
I'm in favor of keeping LPs clean. Really, really clean, such as can be achieved using a good ultrasonic cleaner. Cleanliness is best the LP preservative, imo, and I don't see any need or advantage to then putting goop on a clean LP. 
A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital..
rcronkI too was insulted being told what I can and cannot hear. There's no need to be insulted. There are posters who've acknowledged here that their goal is to mock and humiliate. There's no reason to take those people seriously.  
A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital..
richoppScience to the rescue. Forget your ears, listen to the CODEC ...The best quality digital doesn't go through a codec.  
linn sondek tt
analogluvrHowever one thinks about the LP 12 sound you have to admit that it’s a great business model but not so great for the consumer.Why do we have to admit that? How can you have that many improvements/upgrades? Perhaps because it has been in ... 
Yter cables direction
br3098 Please provide us with your proof or other evidence ...This an audio hobbyist’s group. No one here owes you proof or evidence of anything. If you like, please feel free to conduct your own tests and report the results.