Responses from cleeds
Looking For Protractor For Well Tempered Reference Tone Arm yogiboy I submit that any differences in distortion due to sub-optimum arcs and deviations from the two null points and where they are located (those peaks in distortion) are masked several times over by distortion imposed by my tubed gear a... | |
How to remove ground pin on power cable millercarbonSo you guys think its fair to nitpick me to death, then remove my post so people don’t get the explanation.No one here has nitpicked - they've corrected your profound errors, that you then punctuate with proclamations such as: That's ... | |
A Soundsmith Re-tip Believer I had Soundsmith retip an old Monster Cable Sigma Genesis 2000 phono cartridge and they did a terrific job. | |
How to remove ground pin on power cable Millercarbon has been deservedly schooled here so I’m reluctant to pile on. But he is just so ignorant on electrical circuits and electrical safety!millercarbonThe two wires in a two wire system, only one of them is hot. That’s your 120V. The othe... | |
Tweaks - An Honest Discussion reven6e The snake oils are not meant to replace a component upgrade but to complement a keeper ... I am now playing with Stillpoint racks, power cables, network switches and other snake oils not to "upgrade" or "improve" my sound but to OPTIMI... | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! heaudio123I believe that is the suppliers making the 1000 hour break-in claims ...That's an interesting belief. Is that like a faith-based belief, or do you have something that actually leads you to that belief? | |
How to remove ground pin on power cable The Ebtech Hum-X is another safe and effective solution. | |
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered? luisma31 ... their particular claim of "big bass" and "thump thump thump" and "appreciated by bass heads" IMO it is an insult to the DBA, one of the features of the DBA which I appreciate the most is that quite differently from single or dual non... | |
Are you a special snowflake? millercarbon What is it you feel gives you the right to tell others Shut Up!? The moderators here don’t tell anyone to "shut up." They delete posts and threads that are off-topic, attack other members, profane or racist. And that’s about it. For... | |
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered? ieales ... Sound waves do not interact and sum ...Actually, they can sum, and they can also subtract. Using out-of-phase signals, for example, is how active noise reducing headphones work. Phase is also part of why LF signals can be directional. | |
What is the average dealer mark up? garrettc... at least in America, and you can't tell business owners what they are suppose to charge ...Actually, in the US, a manufacturer can indeed tell a business what it can charge for its products, and some do. | |
Are 500 hours too many for a used hi-end cartridge? chakster ... i do not believe that stylus with 500 hrs on it can destroy any LP with simple play at correct VTF. The number of hours on a stylus is only one factor to assess. Cartridges that were not properly aligned when new often result in styl... | |
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered? heaudio123Moore is an MSEE whose expertise was codecs and perception who worked on MP3 codec.Yup, Johnson too. It looks like you have some reading to do! Come on, you keep throwing out names but not one, not one actual source that supports your ... | |
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!! daveyf ARC didn't state anything about the long break in time in the manual of the piece I am referring to ( I did not say they did, you somehow read that?) , but in a response to a review ...What review was that? I doubt any company mentions ... | |
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered? heaudio123Sound and Vision is not a scientific resource ...Agreed. So please cite a scientific study that supports your claims. Look at actual scientific studies. I can post many studies ...But you haven’t yet, you simply repeat your claim. Meanwh... |