
Responses from cleeds

I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?
rauliruegas Dear @cleeds ​@mr_m ... I’m trying to help the OP to achieve the best of what he own and from here my post is a FACT like it or not. Dont try that I learn or that try to tell I’m wrong with your kind of posts trying to dy... 
Tiny Room (6' x 9') speaker advice
The Infinitesimal was a great little speaker, but the tweeter wasn't a ribbon.  
I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?
  rauliruegas Tonearm removable headshell designs exist because that removable headshell gives us a great opportunity to mate in better way the cartridge to the tonearm and to permit that that cartridge can shows at its best. Opinion sta... 
How critical is streamer hardware to SQ when it feeds a good DAC?
rsf507 Shilling your products again will you ever stop Audiotroy? Under the forum rules, dealers are welcome to post here.   @audiotroy always identifies himself as a dealer, so I don't see why he troubles you.  
Why exotic stylus not used on MM?
Yes, there have been many MM carts with special stylii. The Micro Acoustics 530MP was a great cartridge in its day.  
Here's what @czarivey  is talking about: The "&" symbol is called an ampersand. When used on A'gon as part of a thread topic, it shows as "&amp". That is all.  
Should I give up on FM HD over the air ? and steam instead ?
HD radio uses lossy compression, so a good over-the-air signal often sounds better. If the OP lives 10 miles from Manhattan, he probably doesn’t need a powered antenna to receive WBGO from there. In fact, he may be able to get a quieter signal wi... 
About users with hidden agendas
astolfor                                         ... where are the forum rules The Terms of Use link is at the bottom of the page. There is more info on the flagging policy page. ... and how  do I reach a moderato... 
Is this stylus worn out?
Visually detecting stylus wear is a tricky business and your photos aren't useful for such an evaluation. You want to look for "cat's eyes." Shure has an explanation here.  
Who uses ADS Speakers
I had a pair of ADS 320i speakers in the B-pillars of an '82 Trans-Am T-top with a Nakamichi head unit. The stereo sounded great. The car was fun for a while but was really just a bucket o' bolts.  
Single Ended vs Balanced Output Gain
A differentially balanced design will yield a 6dB higher output than it will single-ended.  
Remote Maintenance
I put factory remotes in storage and use a simple single Logitech Harmony remote for everything. It will run for quite a while on inexpensive rechargeable batteries.  
Tonearm that surface mount without cutting a hole?
lewm   The info on the DV507 Mk2 states: "A fixing hole with a diameter of 29 mm is needed to install the DV507MKII on the turntable board ..." So, it is not surface mounted, requires a "fixing hole" Wow, good catch, @lewm! I sta... 
Tonearm that surface mount without cutting a hole?
lewm ... Fair point about the cost of the named surface mount tonearms.  I guess the least expensive conventional pivoted type would be the Dynavector DV505, which although long discontinued ... It looks like the Dynavector arm is still ... 
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
rauliruegas This is not about taste is about facts. Correct. That’s why you’re mistaken when you claim "it’s a design for other kind of LP recordings but not for the ones that comes with the RIAA curve." In fact, the strain gauge system ...