
Responses from chazzbo

Duh-Forgetting Hifi Basics 101-crossovers
DrewThanksWasn't sure about he physics of i all but ha been erroneously informed that getting active x-over with correct slope that sounded me right would get 1 1/2 of power total.I have a 80's $1200 (now $300-$400) amp and thought it might be goo... 
PC based system, questions and clarifications...
This was very helpful for many of us.Chazz 
Reversing absolute phase
Also don't confuse "reverse" on some pre-amps (was poular back in 50's/60's) as when it says "Stereo-Mono-Reverse) all you are doing is swapping what came out of left speaker for what now comes out of right".So if your bass is more prominent in le... 
Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest
Would likem to hear more about the Pioneer.Anbd was the Diamond B&W to bright for others as Gawdbless mentioned?CheersChazz 
I'm looking for a big new LCD or projection type
Samsung is best banmg for buck (you pay bit of premium for Sony's nice styling).I'd go for any of fist 3.See the reviews at CNET and PC World.Chazz 
DVD recorders
I hate the Tiem Warner but must say I am really digging the new cable box I have with a hard drive in it.Guess it's same as Tivo in many respects.I am going to get a DVD-R that allows me to use outputs of the he Hrad disc cable box to make a DVD-R... 
Smooth and silky top end
Wondering how Class D stacks p aginst AB or A amps.I lke "sizzle" so like Bryston sound.Wondering how Bel Canto or other D amps compare in treble.Chazz 
Thoughts on PS Audio 5.6 pre
I have 4.6 which is supposed to be best of 80's gear hooked up to their Delta 100 amp as second system.Very good and considering it cost $1600 fro amp and $800 for pre it's great gear.Think of what they would charge now for same gear.If you have w... 
avantgarde UNO nano seeking a matching amp
If you can swing them high output SET like Cary 805's or and 845 based set up.I liked Bel Canto 845 amp.If you want more power and 30 isn't' enough still check out review at about battery operated Class T type (much less efficient a... 
Krell KMA 100 or other Krell power amp
Have a KSA300S that is only Krell to go into constant 1 ohm load (all other Class A's double power each havlfing of load).Like all Krell they are precise and reason in 900's everybody demoed speakers with Krell was deep vise like grip on bass.On d... 
Bel Canto Ref 1000 and Magnepan 1.6 speakers?
It's what I would spend on a 3.6.Me personally I think a good used Bryston 4BST is right choice or an earlier Evo amp that can be converted to mono.150 from 300 amp does not do justice.Maybe two of them.But 500 watts is usable but maybe overkill j... 
How do YOU set VTF on your Rega arm??
Get a VPI riser/adjuster.chazzbo 
Most Influential American Musician of All Time?
Read the Book Louis Armstrong A life by Bergrand (?) was on Time s best seller list and is a jazz book wose prose and historyography is above all the others.Yes he created the INDIVIDUAL musician with his soloing.The best Jazz/Drug/Prison book is ... 
are any of your friends audiophiles?
Wouldn't belong to club that would have me as a member.Actually best friend sad he stopped reading Fremmer's Tracking Angle because he just is more into listening to music not talking about though I am the exception.I am more neurotic abut the who... 
New Oppo DV-980H
Cnet said "This may be the last DVD player we can recommend meaning now with DVD HD (and possibly to follow Blu Ray coming down in price.Dan didn't we see this movie?).But anybody know if there going to get into the DVD-HD.Saw that 15000 contrast ...