
Responses from chayro

Electron microscope slow-motion video of vinyl LP
That is cool and HERE'S a guy that makes vacuum tubes by hand. Amazing if you've never seen it. 
180 gram?
I would not replace an older, good-sounding pressing with a 180-gram pressing just for the weight. The quality of any record depends on many factors and weight is only one. I wouldn't even think about it. 
oppo 105d straightup
It's all about the level of sonics you demand. Part of it is your system, a big part is your own ear and ability to hear what's lacking. And part of it is an acceptance of what you have, even though you know there's better out there. I have an EAR... 
Oppo BDP-105D mods
Keep in mind that the Modwright option utilizes a substantial external power supply that is great in terms of performance, but may be a problem in terms of space. 
Primaluna Prologue CD Player?
Actually, it may well matter, depending on the format you used. For example, my EAR Acute will read a WAV file from a CDR, but it does not recognize Windows Media Audio. So it's a good idea to check the compatibility before you buy anything. 
Best Vinyl Bach - Solo Cello Suites recording?
If you like this music, check out the MA Recordings version on CD. Not vinyl, but as good as I've ever heard a CD sound. It's good enough that you could live with it if you had to. 
Did Redbook get it right?
It's right if you get a good recording. I don't listen to much digital anymore, but this morning I was listening to MA Recordings Bach Cello Suites on my EAR Acute CD player and I was shaking my head on how good it sounded. 
1/4'' ding / chip on a glossy black speaker
1/4"? Forget about it. Touch it up with a black Sharpie pen and don't look for it. Automotive paint can work too, but try the Sharpie first. It hurts when your precious stuff gets damaged, but most people who try to fix things mess it up worse tha... 
La Scala II problem
I'm very glad you have the issue straightened out, but FYI - even if a dealer has something drop shipped directly to you, the reason the speakers are being sold through a dealer as opposed to factory-direct is that the dealer is being paid to hand... 
is there a difference between 192 dac and 96?
All of these numbers are, IMO, meaningless marketing specs. The only way to judge a component is to listen to it or at least gather opinions from people who own it. There may be times when these specs are important if you want to download certain ... 
Bang for the buck DAC
If you still have the Paradesia, I'm not sure that anything in that price range will be an upgrade. You have some beautiful components there - why are you cheaping out on the source? 
Suggested Phono Preamp
There is a guy selling a Project phono preamp for $225 that will be fine in your system. They're good products for the money. I don't think you need spend more to enjoy what your turntable/cart combo is capable of. 
Is Vinyl Worth It
If you're the ultra-neurotic type who is going to agonize over every click and live in the constant state of uncertainty over whether your tt is not set up correctly, it's not worth it. 
CD quality versus SA-CD ?is it worth it?
There are a million threads on this, so you can search around. Basically, SACD is "hi-rez" audio, done at a higher sampling rate. Is it better? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I personally have experimented with it and, IMO, the multi-format players ... 
Hostility from manufacturers
You don't describe what the allegedly hostile interaction was, but many manufacturers prefer that the dealers handle the customer service aspect. I don't know you or what you expected from this company, but some people expect a manufacturer to pro...