
Responses from cdc

Happy Audiophile Day!
@milpai You do have a pneumonia day! Hey, you are right: World Pneumonia Day—November 12—is a yearly reminder that pneumonia can strike anywhere and anytime, and is a serious, potentially life-threatening lung infection. Pneumonia is primaril... 
How do you add color?
To clarify my post, I understand what you mean about adding color. But what I am suggesting is components which allow the color to pass through. To be dramatic, my Delta Sigma DAC is like this blinding bright white light putting a laser beam throu... 
How do you add color?
DeVore speakers are described as colorful but not colored. I would agree with that statement. Component-wise, I do it with the DAC and pre-amp.  
Happy Audiophile Day!
Me neither. While we are celebrating diseases how about happy pneumonia day? After all, it is the old man’s friend. Finally, I am the first responder to a new thread. Boy does it feel good to be #1 at something.  
They know we will pay anything they can think of
@frankmc195 Anyone have any idea how long ago Hifi manufacturers discovered we (audiophiles) will pay almost anything chasing our perfect sound? Yes, I do.    
Jay's "Ugly Truth" video
Admitting you have a problem is the first step in getting better.  
Interesting videos about sounds and music
What is sound? What is music? Astral Sounds contains no musical instruments, human voices or sounds of nature, yet it can automatically create feelings of happiness, health and a blissful state of mind. Worries disappear. Pain vanishes. Problems ... 
Time of Day for best Sound
How about what time of YEAR? For me, that would be winter cold, dry air.  
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
If there is one best choice for each of us: then the more choices there are the more wrong choices we have to sort through.  
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
@mihorn most people (non-audiophiles) ears are almost in natural sound mode. Interesting observation. maybe that is why people think audiophiles are nuts. They’ve never entered the world of "unnatural sounds".   The right speaker is convert... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Maybe because most people don't want / use the classic stereo setup for music anymore?      
What would your "perfect speaker" sound like.
As a recovering DEQ neurotic, one that would morph into whatever makes each song sounds it’s best.      
How serious are you?
Oohh, at least a 10. I am competitive and want to have the best stereo on Audiogon. Satisfaction has nothing to do with the music. It has everything to do with being better than everyone else. my reference CD Astral Sounds contains no musical i... 
Flat frequency response
sounds_real_audio where would like. to measure the "flat" response? I would like speaker to measure flat through the midrange for sure. i do not see anomalies there serving any worthwhile purpose - tastes notwithstanding. I would like a s... 
Dynamic Range - the golden key to music nirvana?
Sounds impressive. Following component DR = improved system DR? Would be interesting to hear I agree DR is important. Try to improve it with amplifier: 1a) Current capacity. 1b) Slew rate 1c) Total gain. 1d) Bipolar transistors in a common em...