

Responses from carlsbad2

Cable re-termination in NJ area
Yes, it might improve them.  Lots of us improve on OEM work. Jerry  
Cable re-termination in NJ area
If you ship in a flat rate box, cost is the same anywhere in the US. Let me know if you don’t find someone to help.  I would do it for you at no charge. Moderator:  I don't believe this violates any rules but if it does, please delete and accept ... 
Power conditoner..
@esarhaddon1 I don't mean 60V but 110 is fine and no place in the US has less than 110V now.  Indeed, a tube amp bias needs adjustment for different voltage.  That's why a power inverter like the PS audio is great for tube amps.  It does make it a... 
Power conditoner..
@fertguy the PP is programmable to put out whatever voltage you want.  Like I said, the voltage doesn't matter.  the quality of the sine wave is what does.   If you are getting no improvement, the power supply in your amp (and other equipment) mu... 
Power conditoner..
Your amp doesn't care much what voltage it gets so long as it is in the range.  Get a voltmeter, you may find your generator is putting out 130 volts. but it is disappointing that you don't see any improvement from the PP.  Are you using heavy po... 
300b lovers
Great discussion.  My current amp has 3 heater voltages so I can use 300B, 2A3, or 45s.  I've tried all 3, settled on some 2.5V 300b's because I found good tubes in stock.   This amp is a 6SN7 driven amp so now I wonder is the 45s or even the 2A3... 
How do you high pass your main speakers?
Sounds like your speakers don't go very low and probably mate very well with your subs.   I like to touch the signal as little as possible and my prejudice is that an electronic crossover might do more harm than good. The recommendation to use a... 
There's No Question
@ronboco The cabinets are well made and well designed. they aren't beautiful.  Jerry  
Contacting EgglestonWorks
The email should work better. They apparently teach in business school now that no contact with the customer should be made by phone. Make them punch endless numbers while listening to a computer until they get mad and hang up. bonus points if you... 
Hearing Aids in 2023 .. Questions
My hearing isn’t that bad but I’ve been wearing hearing aids for 5 years. Long story how I ended up there but suffice it to say, we wear glasses when we have just slightly imperfect vision. Should do the same for hearing. High end hearing aids th... 
Does a weave of cables really make a difference?
The manufacturer will tell you for sure you must use all cables by his brand for best results.  Many people have read and believed this. they will repeat it in this thread.   I believe good cables are good cables. Jerry  
Sensitivity question
You seem to be mixing concepts. "hard to drive" is usually reserved for speakers with very low impedences in certain frequency bands that need very high current. Not the same as sensitivity Low sensitivity needs more watts of power, but isn’t nec... 
There's No Question
@benmeadows I've always been a form-follows-function guy myself.  
There's No Question
@benmeadows If you are going dual purpose, good sound AND fine furniture, then Tekton is not for you.    
There's No Question
I like further apart and slightly toed in.  Picture has my new stereo stand sitting in front that will push them a bit further apart.   https://photos.app.goo.gl/kxHkCxPwuEgjbdYf8