
Responses from caphill

Need speakers recommendation for my system (in Jakarta, Indonesia)
What about Harbeth? Do you guys have Harbeth dealer there? They will pair well with your Jadis Ref tube integrated. 
Affordable Processor with Fabulous 2 Channel ?
Don’t know. I’ve never listened to the D2 but I have listened to the higher end Lumin A1 & S1 but these cost way more than the D2. The D2 is an entry level model from Lumin. The A1 & S1 are very very good. Can’t comment on the D2 though. Y... 
Trying to Decide on my next Purchase
@oldschool1948 So this isn't your main primary system then? McIntosh makes pretty good amplifiers and are generally more affordable than Naim products with the exception of the Naim Uniti series. Naim separates will run you up to $90k to $100k whi... 
Martin Logan Motion 60XT, best value ?
Yup. The internal cabinet bracing isn’t well designed and built. Those big boxy cabinets of the Motion 60XT also allows internal standing wave inside the speaker cabinet that creates cabinet resonances or coloration. That was pretty much what I wa... 
Martin Logan Motion 60XT, best value ?
The cabinet bracing of the Motion 60XT is awful, the material that the cabinet is made of is awful. They also dictate how the speakers will sound and perform.  
Affordable Processor with Fabulous 2 Channel ?
@bwguy ISorry my bad I didn't see your posts earlier about the Lumin music server. Yes, you can connect the Lumin via XLR analog out to your Sigma SSP and set the Sigma SSP in digital bypass mode so the Classe is used as an analog stereo preamp. L... 
Purchase a receiver or what? need your advice.
@auxinput Wow! Your subs are massive 28" deep. What drivers are you using for your subs? I’m also using 2 subs in my dedicated theater room. Are you also using subs when listening to stereo music? Sony makes one of the best movie projector only be... 
Trying to Decide on my next Purchase
@oldschool1948 The Naim Uniti Star is a step down from the Uniti Nova. The Nova is by far better than the Star. The Nova is the top of line within the Uniti series. The Uniti series is Naim's entry level series. But the Star is very good for its p... 
Trying to Decide on my next Purchase
@oldschool1948 Not sure if you have made a purchase or decided on something by now but if you haven’t, I highly recommend the Naim Uniti Nova all-in-one solution. It is a streamer/DAC/integrated amp in a single chassis. You can sell your NAD M12/M... 
Another Speaker Recommendation Request
If you prefer warm sounding speakers why don't you move up the Wharfedale line? Wharfedale is known for their warm delicate tonal character. Or for your price range of $10k/pair I recommend the Sonus Faber Olympica 2 or 3, Vienna Acoustics Bach or... 
Martin Logan Motion 60XT, best value ?
I think so. Are you going to use them for listening to stereo music or home theater (surround sound movies)? However, those Martin Logan electrostatic planar/hybrid speakers are pretty awesome but not my cup of tea but lot of people really love th... 
Martin Logan Motion 60XT, best value ?
I did hear these speakers before and they were awful. They are big so you get the best value per $ as far as speaker footprints. If you like to go with Martin Logan I suggest you look for their electrostatic planar/hybrid speakers. That's what Mar... 
Affordable Processor with Fabulous 2 Channel ?
@bwguy You can use a Lumin music server and run a USB from Lumin to the rear USB input on the Sigma SSP.  
Recommend Affordable Integrated Amps (Solid State or Tube)
Musical Fidelity M6si retails for I think around $3k or $3500 new. Has built-in DAC.  
Classe SSP 800 Audio problem
Sorry mistyped I meant to say that I've had the SSP 800 for over 7 yrs not yes.